I upgraded a small firewall and am not having any problems. Granted, I'm not doing anything fancy on it. The only problem that I had with the upgrade was the DNS and WINS configuration for my VPN users didn't get set. It's set in the base group now, instead of for each group. But, it was...
You have to blow away the old access list and put the new one in with the statements in the order you want them. The best way to do this is to give the new acl another number, then apply that acl to the interface, then remove the old acl.
I'd put spanning-tree port fast on all of your end user connections. Sometimes, without it, the boot process just takes too long and processes like DHCP will timeout.
ZOC is another really good one.
In answer to your first question. Any time your doing any command on a Cisco box, you can type any number of letters in the command followed immediately by a question mark. It will show you the options of commands you have for that series of characters. If...
What telet application are you using? It looks like it's sending some carriage returns or what the router thinks are carriage returns. Don't use Hyperterm. Putty, ZOC, DOS, anything but hyperterm.
If you're having this kind of problem, VoIP is not a good place to not know what your doing. Have you thought of hiring an outside contractor? Getting it set up is not the hard part here...
One more thing. Your router on a stick is going to be limited by the bandwidth of the stick. Having L3 in your switch can increase the performance because you're using the backplane, which is generally more effecient.
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