Do you have the required minimal /etc/system parameters as outlined in TN
Also look in the system log this usually will give the process NBU gave the semaphore error for.
Depending on the process you can create specific logging for it.
Will the new media server have the same hostname as the decommissioned media server ?
If so then perform the following steps :
1. Issue the vmglob -delete -devhost <devhost> command on the master server to remove entries in the globDB ( global device configuration ) for the old media server...
Microsoft have the best documents for this e.g.
Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 disaster recovery and backup and restore procedures
How to perform a disaster recovery restoration of Active Directory on a computer with a different hardware...
Netbackup changes the log file at midnight.
But if a process is already running and writing to a log from the previous day it will continue to do so until terminated.
So if you have a back that runs for 3 days then all 3 will have a current time modified.
Actually it's better if you perform the staging operation a little more often then every couple of weeks.
NBU will not delete a disk image that has been staged immediately. It will mark it with a .ds and then 2 circumstances will cause the image to be deleted.
1. The expiry period is reached...
Netbackup uses the lowest value between the STU and the schedule to determine the MPX to use during backups.
This way you can lower the MPX for a specific schedule.
you will need to import the media so that NBU knows what actually resides on the media.
There is a very good section on importing media in the NBU 6.0 Admin Guide volume 1
Note : Even if you are using an earlier version the procedure is the same.
So there are pending unloads for down tape drives ? sounds like a bug.
Get a copy of the bptm log with VERBOSE = 5 and a copy of the system log and call support.
From the NBU admin guide for oracle there is the bplist command :
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bplist -C <client-name> -t 4 -R /
the -t is for type oracle and you must ensure that the client name used matches the directory name ../netbackup/db/images/<client-name> on the master server.
The procedure is similar to the decommision of the media server.
You have to update the images and mediaDB for each media id used for backup by the media server in question.
Issue the command bpmedialist -h <media-server>. Then using this list issue the command bpmedia -moveDB -newserver...
what version of NBU ?
NBU will send periodic bptm -U's ( general unload ) in NBU 5.x to unload any unused tape drives.
Are the unloads for specific drives ? If you look at the pid of the unload did it occur when the drive was in use by a different process like a backup or restore in the bptm...
You will not be able to just copy a 4.5 DB to a 5.1 server, you must upgrade the 4.5 server and move the DB.
There are a few mediaDB and globDB changes in the upgrade.
How big is the original DB ?
Will you be changing the master server hostname ?
If a request for a restore came in do you...
When the issue happens again, go to the filer and issue a sysconfig -t, to list the tape drives. Ensure that this matches what is defined in NBU.
Also you can manually test the drive path by loading a scratch tape and issuing the commands "mt -f nrst*a status" and then dump to it using "dump...
I gather you mean LAN free as each server backing itself up.
If you have SSO ( shared storage option ) you can share the drives between the media servers, but only 1 server will be the robotic control host. The other servers will be defined as robot is controlled by remote host and will send...
The problem with the procedure is that it requires that the 2 master servers are of the same type. You will have issues copying the NBU images files from windows master to the linux master.
The 41 could have been that you hit the CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT you might want to try increasing it.
Or as a...
Netbackup keeps track of the media server that wrote the backup and the location of the disk images are mean't to be in the header file ( the one without the .f ) under the path ../netbackup/db/images/<client-name>/<10-digit-number>/<policy><10-digit-number>_<schedule-type>
The storage unit is...
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