Perhaps you could look at generating a new PDF out of reporting services rather than trying to update an existing one.
Reporting services has PDF as one of the export formats. You just need to create the RDL whose output looks like the existing PDF then tie it to a query or stored proc with...
SELECT 'Db1','4/1/2009 00:00:00',3722 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Db2','3/1/2009 00:00:00',1488 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Db2','4/1/2009 00:00:00',1754
Select *
FROM (SELECT DatabaseName, Date, QTY From #TEST) a
PIVOT (Sum(Qty) For Date in ([03/01/2009], [04/01/2009])) b
DatabaseName 03/01/2009...
I do something like that for some management reports. We are on sql 2000, which doesn't have native pivot table capabilities like sql 2005, so I just select the data as is and put it in excel and then use Excel's Pivot Table function.
Batching it into chunks has some advantages. Less impact on temp DB, less rollback is something fails, and much less blocking.
The last massive table update (hundreds of millions of rows on SQL Server 2000) we had to perform, our senior DBA wanted us to do it in batches of only 200 with a...
70-431 **
After 2.5 months of studying 3 different reference manuals, doing sims, trancenders and CBTs I finally passed. I thought a couple of the sims were tough. But then I don't work on SQL server 2005 every day at my job. You guys/gals who work on it all the time probably had an easier...
specifically, i do not understand what the "X" does
E2s code does an inner join with a derived table, the X is the alias for that derived table. Same with nice95gle code above, but he's using p.
We should be fine without SQL Mail, no legacy settings to worry about. Same with SSIS, at present.
It is Standard Edition of SQL Server 2005.
Here is a link to why I am under the impression that the Standard SQL Server 2005 would go to whatever the OS Maximum:
Yesterday I ordered a new Dell Power Edge 2900 that comes with a Standard Windows 2003 R2 64x OS and SQL 2005 64 bit. They shipped it today.
The application provider is giving me a hard time because they don't list the 64 bit SQL Server as supported, they do list a 64 bit OS as OK...
I don't think there is much of a downside but I think it's better practice to leave it in Windows mode and then switch it to mixed mode if the need ever arises. It's not a one of those decisions that you can't switch back and forth down the road.
Thanks, some good advice in this thread.
A quick update is that I sent an email explaining the phone number error along with a new copy of the resume a few weeks ago.
Since then, I had a phone interview with 1 of the 4 places I sent a resume. The other 3 no longer have the job listed.
I am...
Some fantastic reference material in this thread.
I really like the Murach series of books for beginners.
SQL 2005-
SQL 2000-
(probably only need one version)
Yeah, big thumbs up on the Henderson books...
And if you need the amount to be > 0 then just add that criteria to the where condition
Select Distinct p1.Owner
WHERE p1.Owner = p2.Owner
AND p1.Pet = 'Lizard' and p1.Amount > 0
AND p2.Pet = 'Dog' and p2.Amount > 0
I think you can also do this with a self join, using the table created above
Select Distinct p1.Owner
WHERE p1.Owner = p2.Owner
AND p1.Pet = 'Lizard'
AND p2.Pet = 'Dog'
I use the select case error handling, like lameid posted, when I want to give more descriptive error messages.
The duplicate record error number is 3022, so just plug that into the error handling code posted above.
One of the benefits of an Access front end is that if you allow users the ability to write their own select queries with the QBE they can develop a greater understanding of the data and the relationships between tables.
At my company some of the users have become so proficient with the QBE...
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