I am having the same problem as InsCall and the solution posted by RSERNAJR makes my computer go ahead and open Outlook after 10 or so seconds as RSERNAJR indicated. I have looked for the setting suggested by Janeenaj and cannot locate anything like it - does anyone know anything more about...
Right, I realize that extracting the image to the client, writing the tif tag and then overwriting the image back to the blob is probably the most straigtforward but it incurs a lot of overhead in terms of network traffic. Potentially, we could need to do this to thousands of images frequently...
We have a bunch of .tif images stored in records with an image field. We are needing to update/add a tif tag to each of these images. Can anyone point me towards any libraries or methods of doing this server side and not have the overhead of moving the files across the network, modifying the...
...percentages (costid,percentage) values (3,.24)
insert into percentages (costid,percentage) values (3,.76)
select x.costid, y.percentage, x.amount*y.percentage from costs x, percentages y
where y.costid=x.costid
and y.percentageid not in
select max(percentageid) from percentages group...
ID percent
1 .50
2 .33
2 .33
3 .24
Then my caluculations would be something like cost * percent for each matching record in the percent table and cost - (cost * sum(percent) for id=id) for the percentage not covered by the percent table...
Here is a link to an article with a script that will use the sp_oa* procedures to create and write to an Excel spreadsheet as a linked server. The example works for me but it generates an error that I don't understand - it may be related to the fact that I'm running SQL2005...
...with id values based on col2 order
insert into #tbl select col2 from testtbl order by col2
-- update sample table with id numbers
update a set a.col1=b.id from testtbl a, #tbl b where a.col2=b.col2
-- display results
select * from testtbl
-- clean up stuff
drop table #tbl
drop table testtbl
...the image into the SQL DB is copying the raw image file, you may just need to use an image format that the tools you mentioned don't support. *IF* that binary file is a standard image file, you might try IRFANVIEW (www.irfanview.com) as it is seems to be a bit better at detecting the image...
I have found the following help file to be helpful when trying to extract information from the server configuration tables.
It also comes on the CD with the SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit.
I haven't located a similar...
...for a bit and couldn't make the dynamic field selection work.
Something like this would work if your data structures would fit somehow:
Select * from Table1
where f4 = case when f1=f2 then 3 else 2 end
order by f1
but I don't think my previous example will ever work.
I think...
Would this work:
Select * from Table1
case when f1=f2
then table1.f4=3 and table1.f5=2
else table1.f6=3 and table1.f7=2 end
order by f1
I didn't test it but I think I've done things like this before.
One solution is http://www.sqldev.net/xp/xpsmtp.htm. I have installed it on several of our servers to use for notifications and it has worked without any problems. I was a bit like you when I needed to implement email support, the task seemed pretty daunting - this made it easy. One caveat...
Have you thought about loading the data as it is into a staging table and then processing the data to only import valid date values into your final destination. That should allow you to report on bad values.
I don't know if Express has this but in SQL Server Management Studio, it looks like you can set the output to Tab delimited under Tools | Options | Query Results | SQL Server | Results to Text | Output Format:
Thank you very much for spending the time to give me such a clear example. I applied what you showed me here to my actual example and it worked beautifully.
My original solution with a stored procdure using a cursor looked like it would take several hours to run.
The solution I posted at...
To me, this looks like a casting problem too. I tried this in SQL2005:
declare @tmp1 int, @tmp2 int
select @tmp1=3, @tmp2=2
select @tmp1/@tmp2
-- results: 1
declare @tmp1 decimal(10,2), @tmp2 decimal(10,2)
select @tmp1=3, @tmp2=2
select @tmp1/@tmp2
-- results: 1.5000000000000
Thanks for the tips. I had thought about creating a clustered index - thought that might help. I wasn't aware of the switch you mentioned - "and turn SMP off in UPDATE query with OPTION( MAXDOP 1 )." Will check that out.
I hadn't thought about some kind of check column - I guess I could do a...
As was suggested earlier, you can use OSQL for things like this. The syntax is pretty simple. For instance, here is a command string to display a record:
osql -S(local) -E -d my_data -q "select top 1 name from users order by name"
Run osql -? to see the command line syntax. It is case...
...set @combtext=isnull(combtext,'')+' '+isnull(@combtext,''),
combtext=case when edate>'!' then @combtext2 else '' end,
@combtext=case when edate>'!' then '' else @combtext end
-- display results
select * from wrktbl order by key1,key2,eline
drop table wrktbl
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