Sorry eShovel, missed the part that said you were using DevC++ [hammer]
programmer (prog'ram'er), n A hot-headed, anorak wearing, pimple-faced computer geek.
No you need to link to the appropriate library. Under your "project" menu choose "settings". Click on the "link" tab. Ensure that "General" is chosen in the category combo box. You should see a text field called "Object/Library Modules" in the...
Have you tried adding TRUE as an extra parameter?
Other than that, have you checked the validity of the fonts and the return value from SetFont() in your debugger?
programmer (prog'ram'er), n A hot-headed, anorak wearing, pimple-faced computer geek.
Try using GetDC() instead of GetWindowDC(). Also, you may want to try using CreateFont() instead of CreatePointFont().
Finally, is "Math1" a standard font? I would have thought "symbol" would be a better choice as this is usually a system font.
programmer (prog'ram'er), n A...
Have you looked at doing an "owner-drawn" static text? That way you can specify the "symbol" font in it. Also, I think you can specify the font for any object derived from CWnd.
programmer (prog'ram'er), n A hot-headed, anorak wearing, pimple-faced computer geek.
Yes, I highly recommend Ambrosia Software's Snapz tool also. It'll allow you to capture the screen while you're pulling down menus and stuff like that which really comes in useful. I think there used to be a freeware version available also.
programmer (prog'ram'er), n A hot-headed, anorak...
Rather than specifying "using namespace std;" you may be better off specifying "std::vector", "std::cout", "std::string", etc.
This whole subject has been a cause for argument amongst programmers for a while. Using the latter involves more typing but...
to copy and move files.
Use the ansi C function remove() to delete a file.
char* filePath = "someDir\\someFile.txt";
char* newPath = "anotherDir\\someFile.txt";
char* anotherPath =...
"If C++ is so complicated, how come so many people like it??"
Complicated yes, but very powerful!
programmer (prog'ram'er), n A hot-headed, anorak wearing, pimple-faced computer geek.
If you need further information about pointers - what they are and how they're used - hit the FAQs tab and check out my FAQ on the subject "Complete Layman's Guide to Pointers".
programmer (prog'ram'er), n A hot-headed, anorak wearing, pimple-faced computer geek.
I actually believe #pragma once was Metrowerks specific in the CodeWarrior compilers but was later adopted by Microsoft in VC++.
Also, when you add a new class to a VC++ project, the statement appears towards the head of the header file as such:
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif //...
It doesn't really matter what the project is called - what matters is the output file names. Choose "Project->Settings" menu in VC++ and specify the output file names in there.
programmer (prog'ram'er), n A hot-headed, anorak wearing, pimple-faced computer geek.
...manually go through your string and examine the appropriate characters. If you want to use MFC then I suggest creating a CString object of your char* and using the CString::Left() to get the leftmost 2 characters and then CString::Delete to delete the leftmost 2 characters. Then repeat this...
Yes, you need to call SetExtendedStyle() on your list box with the style LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT - this way the whole row is selected no matter where you click.
programmer (prog'ram'er), n A hot-headed, anorak wearing, pimple-faced computer geek.
No probs Bob, I don't know what it is about the standard Mac CD-ROM drives but they just don't like disks with scratches on!
programmer (prog'ram'er), n A hot-headed, anorak wearing, pimple-faced computer geek.
There's actually a much simpler way: just select the dialog required in the resource view and 'copy'. Then, open the new project, select any resource in the resource view and choose 'paste'.
Note, you have to make a selection in the resource view for these menu commands to be available but I do...
...of the URL the string may or may not retrieve the entire text. You'll need to look more into the CHTTPFile class for information:
CInternetSession* inetSession =
new CInternetSession("Your App Name",1,
CString url =...
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