Thanks rflores69 & david (Firebird); both documents are helpful.
Using the Print Reports Guide, in LDs 20, 21, & 22, I've found some commands a bit confusing. Some I've had to put "prt" at the REQ: prompt and whichever command at the TYPE: prompt (e.g. REQ:prt, then TYPE:vas), whereas others I...
My system is a Nortel M1, CS1000, Opt11C with expansion cabinet. I'm unfamiliar with command line entries, I usually deal with an OTM GUI.
I don't have soft-copies of any manuals or guides, so it would take me a month of Sundays to lookup what I'm trying to find.
Can someone please provide me...
Does anyone know of reputable vendors I could call?
PROBLEM: Site-System configuration missing after reloading Application Software CD, restore from backup did not recover.
My IT folks gave up on it since they don't know the system. Time for a professional to fix it.
Thanks FirebirdScrambler and KCFLHRC. I was able to ping the Hub, PBX, Call Pilot, and our second system for the OTM laptop, so connectivity isn't the issue. I.T. is still working on restoring the old configuration but I haven't heard of any progress. I passed on the thought of calling a...
Thanks for y'alls input.
I can run TM on the laptop, not sure yet whether I'm really connected to the PBX or Call Pilot yet - I.T. took over again and is trying to restore previous configuration. I was hoping for a magic fix like running a certain script or such.
As far as the phone...
Background - Could not connect to CND, found DECT JVM application stopped. Asked our IT folks to backup the OTM laptop and re-install the Applications disk. When only Sample sites were present in TM, I restored from the backup. The site and systems are still not appearing in TM. I searched...
Please excuse my ignorance, I'm new to my PBX and OTM. I have a Prime DN setup for 12-digit CFXA and an M3903 set forwarded to an outside number. When number is dialed from outside the PBX, a fast-busy or operator message states call cannot be completed. Is there a feature I'm overlooking in...
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