Ok - I thin I can help on the lockdown for the desktops. Yes you can create a gp to disbale alot - check into it. For example to can prevent users from Add/Removing Software. Good luck
I have a script that changes the Local Admin Password :
shell 'net user Administrator 12345'
It works - which is good. BUT, the Domain ser logged on the computer can change the password. Which really is not a problem because evertime the user logs in the password goes back to 12345.
So I...
Just go to advanced and take ownership of the directory. And to prevent this to happen again - remove user to have full control.. Administrators should only have full control
I figured it out - here in case anyone needs it. Put this in your login script
shell 'net localgroup administrators /add "Domain Name\name of group here"'
Hello ALL
I am tyring to add additonal accounts to the local administrator group thru a group policy (gp)
I found addadmin.vbs - which was not alot of help since I can not seem to open it on microsoft.com and at least look at the syntax
Any information you provide will be appreciated.. Thanks
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