So what you're saying is that there's a many-to-many relationship between projects (if that's what's in tableA) and managers - a manager might have many projects, and a project could have many managers (over time, at least).
In that case, you need to split the relationship out into another...
No argument with this one, though it can occasionally make sense to create a repeating group in a table.
It usually makes sense to have a single auto-generated PK column for a table, but there are exceptions. I don't usually bother to add the overhead of such a key with tables used only to...
No, you just create a view something like this:
FROM TableA a
INNER JOIN US_States s -- or OUTER JOIN if a.state is nullable
ON = a.state
And then just use this view wherever you would have used...
You and I are coders. We're quite happy to pitch in to code editors and produce the leanest meanest code we can. It doesn't matter to us if the pages are full of obscure markup code, because that's what we do - but the same is unlikely to be true of your customers.
So you need to be clearer on...
used" how?
If I create a view like this:
SELECT some_col
FROM your_table
WHERE pk_column = 2
Is that "using" the PK? How about this one:
SELECT some_col
FROM your_table t1
INNER JOIN your_other_table t2
WHERE t1.pk_column =...
You have two choices:
1) Keep the PHP simple - read through your recordsets and spit them straight out in the order you read them - and use some complex HTML/CSS to make the results look like you want it to look.
2) Write some (relatively) complex PHP to read your data and process it into...
Well, you're getting as far as an interview, so you're clearly not being discounted purely on your lack of academic qualifications.
But academic institutions will clearly place a high value on formal education - it's what they do after all - so if you've followed a different path, you've got a...
Where are these "dynamic charts" to be created?
Are you, perhaps, building a web page using Perl and/or PHP and want it to include a "dynamic chart"?
Where and how are these "different options i.e Bar, Pie, Line..." to be specified?
You'll get better and more useful answers if you take the...
I'm not familiar with tcpdump, but a couple of points...
The 2>/dev/null will (I think) redirect any error messages to /dev/null. So if whatever is going wrong is displaying an error message that would help you figure out what's happening, you won't see it.
The & at the end causes the command...
Something like this?
v_date DATE := to_date('09-MAR-2015','DD-MON-YYYY');
v_time VARCHAR2(6) := '050520';
v_full DATE;
-- Produce a string that is v_date concatenated with v_time, and read the result as a date.
v_full := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(v_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') ||'...
I don't have a MySQL database to hand to test this, but maybe something like this...
SELECT user_name,
SUM(CASE WHEN timer <= 20 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END CASE) AS timer_up_to_20,
SUM(CASE WHEN timer > 20 AND timer <= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END CASE) AS timer_20_to_60,
A value of NULL is numeric. It's also a valid string and a valid date and a valid interval and whatever other type you like - because it's just an empty value.
If you want to exclude NULL values, you'll have to explicitly do so within your function, which incidentally I would write like this...
Your client-side code includes the database address, username and password; and could easily be changed to fire any SQL command anybody liked into the database (quite aside from the SQL injection possibilities). I seriously hope you're not intending to deploy this on the open web. I'd also point...
If you just want to insert a single row into your table, why are you using a loop, and why are you using PL/SQL? You just need a single SQL statement:
Tables live in tablespaces. If you do something that requires more space, like an insert or an update, the space will be allocated within the table's tablespace. Simply querying a table won't make any demands on tablespaces, other than possibly a temp tablespace as pointed out above.
A user's...
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