Yes I've tried a call from the lim 4 (the calling number is 2000) to an extension in another lim but still have attn =2.
The purpose is to know how to raise the level of the voice signal for some extensions wich are far fro the TSW System (The distance between the party and the PBX is over than...
yes the addres you gave me are the good ones, but still another problem when i make a call from another lim (we have a multi lim system) lscop still give me attn=2, i think this is because the call come fom the gjul card and i don't know which trm is affected to the pcm link gjul!!!
so wich...
hi himdp and thank you for responding me
we are using a TSW SP06
Wich are the adress having the effetc on trm=0 to trm=1 and from trm=1 to trm=0.
i've choosed addr = 51&59. but i'm afraid this was wrong.
I've a problem with the attenuation/amplification signals of analog extensions.
FIRST i changed the trm for an extension 2000(excac :dir=2000, trm=1;).
THEN i made some changes on trm matrix (sacos: unit=SACOS:UNIT=SCP, LIM=4,SECTOR=REL, ADDR=51&59,DATA=12;) i choose lim=4 because the...
is there any posibilty to make a same central authorization code wich can be used from all extension to lock/unlock all extension?
if the answer is yes, then how todo it?
NB: we have an mxone tsw system
i've tried to configure cil over ethernet in MXONE (NIU2)but
it dosn't work. please show me the mistake where it is.
I've done:
hi every body!
in our company we have md110 bc9, we have some analog external line to PSTN "TL11", I've tried to size 2 external lines, call 2 pstn subscribers and when i made a transfer (external to external) it didn't work!! my directory number has a traf=03151515, in the adc the digit D7=3...
Thanks parnum!
then the board tlu76/4 handels both signaling over TS16 and speech over the other channels!
but when initiate the signalling link with the command MTSLI, i don't undestand what the parameter Bpos refer to??
bpos is the position of the TLU76/4?? and what is also the meaninig of...
Hi all!
soon we will get a mxone! and i want to create a digital link with pstn using SS7 signalling! so what kind of board we have to use, i mean bords to convey speech channels and boards to convey signaling messages(signalling terminals)?
Muchas gracias!
we have installed the MFU card this card is reponsible of register signalling!
the link works well and also i have the ANI (A-number identification) this route is used only for incoming trafic from pstn, it is a did route to our operator consol..
however i've 2 problems now:
1- the consol is...
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