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Recent content by SoftArt

  1. SoftArt

    .dbf files mysteriously gone missing (or being deleted)

    Vince, have you run a virus scanner and checked whether the dbf files have been quarantined? Thomas
  2. SoftArt

    drag & drop attachment from outlook

    Tamar, in found a little bug in your code: oObjColl = ThisForm.oOutlook.oExplorer.Selection must be oObjColl = ThisForm..oExplorer.Selection after that modification I got the attachement object and it´s SaveAsFile method. Many thanks you for help und greetings from Germany. Thomas
  3. SoftArt

    drag & drop attachment from outlook

    Tamar I know your example, but I don't see any code to create the file.
  4. SoftArt

    drag & drop attachment from outlook

    Yes, the file (pdf) should then be copied/created in VFP app to a specific directory.
  5. SoftArt

    drag & drop attachment from outlook

    Hi Foxis, I am familiar with drag & drop of files from explorer, but i need help with drag & drop of outlook attachments (pdf) Does anyone have an example code for this? Thomas
  6. SoftArt

    Getdir() fails to return empty USB-disk

    Hi Rune, I can reproduce the behavior, is that an alternative for you: GETDIR("","","") Thomas
  7. SoftArt

    How to find the last input by product in a table which contains different products

    Hello Tamar Hello Chris, thank you for your comments and again something learned. Thomas
  8. SoftArt

    How to find the last input by product in a table which contains different products

    Hello Chris, you are absolutely right, this only works with SET ENGINEBEHAVIOR 70. Regards Thomas
  9. SoftArt

    How to find the last input by product in a table which contains different products

    Hallo Klaus, das würde auch gehen: SELECT NAME, PRICE, MAX( PDATE ) AS MAX_PDATE FROM myTable GROUP BY NAME INTO CURSOR myCursor Grüße Thomas
  10. SoftArt

    Internal printer fonts

    That´s a good workaround to setup the report in development environment but not really for customers. Thomas
  11. SoftArt

    Internal printer fonts

    Mike, I´m using different fonts in same report like FontA11, FontA12, FontA22 which are using there own fontsizes. Thomas
  12. SoftArt

    Internal printer fonts

    Hi Mike, thank you for spending time to test my problem. I allow my customers to create a copy of the eport and design it indivdidual, so I can´t use escape sequences. One way is to hack the frx in background after editing the Report or the user must copy and paste given controls. Both are not...
  13. SoftArt

    Internal printer fonts

    Yes to all and it works fine for more than 10 years. There wasn´t any reason to change and I notice this only now. The internal Epson Printer Fonts are faster than all other. Thomas
  14. SoftArt

    Internal printer fonts

    Hi, how can I select internal Printer (EPSON TM-Txx) Fonts (FontA11) in Report Designer? It works fine in Windows XP while the Printer is selected as Default, but not in Windows 7. In MS-Word all the Fonts are visible and selectable. Thomas
  15. SoftArt

    Use of UNC name for mapped drive.

    Hi, try to user my function who use an API-call. FUNCTION GetUNCPath LPARAMETERS tcPath LOCAL lcBuffer, lnBufsize, lnError, lcReturn lcReturn = "" lnBufsize = 260 tcPath = LEFT( tcPath, 1 ) + ":" lcBuffer = REPLICATE( CHR(0), lnBufsize ) DECLARE INTEGER WNetGetConnection IN WIN32API STRING...

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