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Search results for query: *

  1. SoftArt

    Getdir() fails to return empty USB-disk

    Hi Rune, I can reproduce the behavior, is that an alternative for you: GETDIR("","","") Thomas
  2. SoftArt

    How to find the last input by product in a table which contains different products

    Hello Tamar Hello Chris, thank you for your comments and again something learned. Thomas
  3. SoftArt

    How to find the last input by product in a table which contains different products

    Hello Chris, you are absolutely right, this only works with SET ENGINEBEHAVIOR 70. Regards Thomas
  4. SoftArt

    How to find the last input by product in a table which contains different products

    Hallo Klaus, das würde auch gehen: SELECT NAME, PRICE, MAX( PDATE ) AS MAX_PDATE FROM myTable GROUP BY NAME INTO CURSOR myCursor Grüße Thomas
  5. SoftArt

    Internal printer fonts

    That´s a good workaround to setup the report in development environment but not really for customers. Thomas
  6. SoftArt

    Internal printer fonts

    Mike, I´m using different fonts in same report like FontA11, FontA12, FontA22 which are using there own fontsizes. Thomas
  7. SoftArt

    Internal printer fonts

    Hi Mike, thank you for spending time to test my problem. I allow my customers to create a copy of the eport and design it indivdidual, so I can´t use escape sequences. One way is to hack the frx in background after editing the Report or the user must copy and paste given controls. Both are not...
  8. SoftArt

    Internal printer fonts

    Yes to all and it works fine for more than 10 years. There wasn´t any reason to change and I notice this only now. The internal Epson Printer Fonts are faster than all other. Thomas
  9. SoftArt

    Internal printer fonts

    Hi, how can I select internal Printer (EPSON TM-Txx) Fonts (FontA11) in Report Designer? It works fine in Windows XP while the Printer is selected as Default, but not in Windows 7. In MS-Word all the Fonts are visible and selectable. Thomas
  10. SoftArt

    Use of UNC name for mapped drive.

    Hi, try to user my function who use an API-call. FUNCTION GetUNCPath LPARAMETERS tcPath LOCAL lcBuffer, lnBufsize, lnError, lcReturn lcReturn = "" lnBufsize = 260 tcPath = LEFT( tcPath, 1 ) + ":" lcBuffer = REPLICATE( CHR(0), lnBufsize ) DECLARE INTEGER WNetGetConnection IN WIN32API STRING...
  11. SoftArt

    MailMerge Problem

    Hi, this is interesting but I don´t quit my Word-instance myself, the user do this after printing, previewing or something else. It looks like Word must do something before the flag ..NormalTemplate.. works correctly. BTW I try to do something ,set the flag and look what happened. thomas
  12. SoftArt

    MailMerge Problem

    My mistake, IDE and EXE works same!
  13. SoftArt

    MailMerge Problem

    The problem is not copy and paste but rather the format. It´s an endless string, VFP can´t execute. Did you tried this yourself? I modified my code: loWord = CREATEOBJECT( "Word.Application" ) loWord.DisplayAlerts = 0 loWord.NormalTemplate.Saved=.T. loWord.Visible = .T. loDoc =...
  14. SoftArt

    MailMerge Problem

    Alias fieldnames ist good to know, thanks. Can you send me your code via mail, because I don´t know how to handle the forums-formatting. -> info@softart-online.de Can you try my code, please. I want to know if this could be a problem on my pc. Thomas
  15. SoftArt

    MailMerge Problem

    Cetin, I tried to use a txt file and it works same like an excelsheet. BTW, how can I use VFP-Data directly? I saw this code loWord.NormalTemplate.Saved = .T. in other forums and tried it before wrote this thread. The result was same like without. Also loDoc = loWord.Documents.Add( m.lcWord )...
  16. SoftArt

    MailMerge Problem

    Hi, I want to open an existing Word-Mailmerge-Document and change data source. loWord = CREATEOBJECT( "Word.Application" ) loWord.Visible = .T. loDoc = loWord.Documents.Open( lcWord, 0, 1 ) && ReadOnly loDoc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource( lcFileName, 0,0,0,0,0,"","",0,"","","","SELECT * FROM [" +...
  17. SoftArt

    CURSORTOXML() - Parsererror

    Sorry, I mean XMLTOCURSOR()
  18. SoftArt

    CURSORTOXML() - Parsererror

    Hi all, I want to import a XML-File but I occure an XML-Parsererror. The unknown value is VersionId="3.06.24". It is a string not a date value. Is there any parameter to fix this problem. Thanks Thomas
  19. SoftArt

    Combobox and picture

    A combobox is filled with AddItemList and a different picture for every item. I need this combobox in the same form again for another choice. It´s easy to fill the second one like the first, but I think there is a way to copy the value to the second.
  20. SoftArt

    Combobox and picture

    Hi Tamor, need your help one more time :-) I need another combobox on the same form with the same values and picturearray. Is there any way to copy these properties? Thomas

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