Hi Everyone,
I've been dealing with a issue on the workplace app for iOS.
I deployed a solution with an Ip Office Server Edition + Session Border Controller, and everything worked fine until around one or two weeks the users that have iOS stopped registering and have a certificate warning.
I've been trying to ge tthis to work but i have no possitive results. I'm using the replace URL fields but it does nothing. I can still get the cert and even 46xxsettings files are visible which i dont really think is safe either :/
The way i thought about doing it is loading up the cert via web management of the phone, once its on the local network i can supply the cert.
That part would be solved, the issue is the auto provissioning of the cert, thats what i don't consider secure.
I'll check your suggestions and let you...
I've been testing a scenario with j129 phones over tls. The phones are provisioning themselves with the Root CA certificate over port 443. For some reason the certificate is being downloaded automatically but i thought i had to upload the certificate first to be able to use port 443 and...
Yes! i checked that one haha I pingued from the B1 interface to microsoft's FQDN and it resolves correctly the address... i dont get a reply because they must have ping disabled but it resolves the name correctly
We've been working on it with the client but for some reason B1 interface is not receiving incoming traffic. My guess is theres some mistake in their firewall routes. I'll keep you posted on the progress. thx!
I have both servers sendind options to each other.. when the IPO sends the options message it gets a server internal error message from the SBC and when the SBC sends the options message it gets a service unavailable repoly from the IPO.
I checked the SIGMA scripts and they are created as the...
I've been integrating a MS Teams solution from a client through an ASBCE to use the PSTN resources from an IP Office SE solution.
The problem i'm having is the next one..When i create an "MS Teams Line" to connect with the ASBCE as the manual states, i cant get it to be on service.
@Westi sorry i didn´t specify.
It's on Ip Office. I'm trying to capture on the internal firewall or at least with a port mirroring to see if the packets go through or where are they stopping.
The thing is, the phones act as if they are stuck but only on the audio part. You can use it, but it...
I started noticing in 2 diferent clients the same behaviour in J179 and J139 phones.
They suddenly lose all audio, no buttons audio when dialing, no dial tone, no call audio. You can operate the phone as usual and calls connect but theres no audio.
The only way to get it back is a phone...
But in windows it applies the settings correctly. The problem is in android and iOS. In the newest version IX Workplace pulls the 46xxspecials file. The ones not working are android and ios as I said.
Hi everyone! I'm having an issue with Workplace for android. I was able to set custom settings in the 46xxspecials.txt file for the windows app. But for some reason the android app is not picking up those custom parameters, but is picking the rest of the config present in the 46xxsettings.txt...
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