For thos interested:
So now that the unlikely event happened how can you tell from your data which value is the last one inserted?
Do you have a unique key on whtbSorterProductHistory?
Do you perhaps have an identity column on table...
If _ is a space then LML is in column 9 and PRES in column 8
I assume the _ in 2ALMEJA_FN1+90_LML is not a space i.e.
415068.737 2034568.082 2488.000255 0...
I had this problem since MS outlook 2010.
Seems they changed something in outlook
Solved by moving the signature to the beginning
(echo $sig; uuencode f1 f1.txt; uuencode f2 f2.txt) | mail...
You are mixing char and int data types
I don't know SQL Anywhere but maybe this code might push you in the right direction
declare @i int
select @i=5
select number from master..spt_values
where type='P'
and number=case when @i is null then number else @i end
select @i=null
select number from...
not tested
select a.code_order, a.customer_id, a.company_cd
from t2 a
(select customer_id , min_code_order=min(code_order)
from t1 b
group by customer_id
) b
on a.customer_id = b.customer_id
and a.code_order=b.min_code_order
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