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Search results for query: *

  1. PDreyer

    Shellscript to send an email to group when a file is placed in unix directory: Help needed

    #!/usr/bin/ksh export PS4='$LINENO#' sleepsec=${2:-10} if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo "Err: Need filename as arg" exit 12 fi while [ 1 ] do fn="$1" xx=$(ls -l "$fn" 2>&1 ) xxo="$xx" while [ "$xx" = "$xxo" ] || [ ! -f "$fn" ] do sleep $sleepsec xx=$(ls -l "$fn" 2>&1 ) done...
  2. PDreyer

    Still getting Multiple records in query

    For thos interested: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1749325 So now that the unlikely event happened how can you tell from your data which value is the last one inserted? Do you have a unique key on whtbSorterProductHistory? Do you perhaps have an identity column on table...
  3. PDreyer

    manipulate column string in a csv file

    sed 's/T\(.*\)+01:00,/,\1,/' subok.csv | sort -t- -k 1,1n -k2,2 -k3,3n
  4. PDreyer

    sybase backup server error after restat

    The logfile should be set in your RUN_srvr_back file (-e flag)
  5. PDreyer

    How to append a suffix

    sed 's/\([A-Z]\)\( \)/\1_v2/1' TheFile
  6. PDreyer

    How to append a suffix

    If _ is a space then LML is in column 9 and PRES in column 8 I assume the _ in 2ALMEJA_FN1+90_LML is not a space i.e. #---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+---10----+---11----+---12----+---13- 415068.737 2034568.082 2488.000255 0...
  7. PDreyer

    Can't get thousands seperator to work in SQL error

    CONVERT (VARCHAR(100),CAST(sum(ChargeAmt) as Money),1)
  8. PDreyer

    add signature after attachments in the body email

    I had this problem since MS outlook 2010. Seems they changed something in outlook Solved by moving the signature to the beginning i.e. (echo $sig; uuencode f1 f1.txt; uuencode f2 f2.txt) | mail...
  9. PDreyer

    Select "All Records"

    You are mixing char and int data types I don't know SQL Anywhere but maybe this code might push you in the right direction declare @i int select @i=5 select number from master..spt_values where type='P' and number=case when @i is null then number else @i end select @i=null select number from...
  10. PDreyer

    Date sort - 4 fields

    sort -k 4,4n -k 2,2M -k 3,3n
  11. PDreyer

    Arithmetic overflow error

    Or change the multiplication to division i.e. Count(*)/128
  12. PDreyer

    Need help with Group By in Query

    not tested select a.code_order, a.customer_id, a.company_cd from t2 a join (select customer_id , min_code_order=min(code_order) from t1 b group by customer_id ) b on a.customer_id = b.customer_id and a.code_order=b.min_code_order
  13. PDreyer

    Need script for finding out duplicate indexes on tables

    Have a look at the code for sp_helpindex
  14. PDreyer

    Update Question

    update t2 set term1=termdate from t1, t2 where t1.id=t2.id and t1.term='Y' update t2 set term2=termdate from t1, t2 where t1.id=t2.id and t1.term='N'
  15. PDreyer

    Immediate not found error when running this procedure. Please help!

    Replace execute immediate @select_query with execute (@select_query)
  16. PDreyer

    Selecting MAX record and getting corresponding data

    SELECT sapid, startdate, number, cstctr, job from cust c join (select max_startdate=max(startdate) from cust)m on c.startdate=max_startdate where sapid = '500032'
  17. PDreyer

    Create view to restrict data based on dates in two tables

    select * from lot where lot_number in (SELECT lot_number FROM lot_sampeling_point group by lot_number having min(disposition_date) is null)
  18. PDreyer

    Data in TableA not in TableB

    You should post in an MS Access forum
  19. PDreyer

    import text file into sybase table

    You can get more info about bcp from http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.infocenter.dc30191.1550/html/utility/X14951.htm Where are you getting stuck Comma delimited can cause problems if your data contain commas e.g. a comma inside the address
  20. PDreyer

    Strange Loop Behavior

    update @v_table1 set ranking=a.rownum-b.minrownum+1 from @v_table1 a join (select minrownum=min(rownum),distdate from @v_table1 group by distdate ) b on a.distdate=b.distdate

Part and Inventory Search
