More info:
I start Matwork.
The taskbar appear.
I connect to the PBX (by modem: Succesfully connected to the PBX.
Try "Station - Station assignment"
Got the message "Loading add-in...Please wait"
Then got the error message:"Couldn't find installable ISAM" (The title of the box is "Station...
MATtworx 13 - Couldn't find installable ISAM.
I'm having the same problem as mention in a previous thread. I don't see a resolution, does anyone know how to resolve?
IPX2000 using Matworx 13
Able to use most menus fine, except when I go to the Station Assign Addin. I get the message...
Anyone have recommendations for a vandal proof phone?
I need in phone that can withstand a lot of abuse - this is for a jail. We currrently have vandal resistant phones in this location but they are not holding up well. Problems with phones being kicked off the wall, handsets slammed on...
The range of the cordless lite was an issue for us. We have replaced most of the lites, with the "not so lite" DTR-4. Trade off was larger handset but much larger range, our users were happy with the added range.
Any suggestions on where I can find the SMDR record layout?
I've tried capturing a paging call via hyperterminal but don't see any records that look like my test call.
Thanks for the reply belevedere
CDN 10 is showing a 1 for the route (which is 8).
Would smdr 2 (CDN16) and smdr 3 (CDN 56) also need to be set to 1?.
Is there anyway to see the smdr record on the NEC side?
NEC 2400 Version 11 release
When an access code is used for paging is a smdr record generated the same as a call? For example: *9
I have a location where someone if trying to be funny by accessing the paging system (dialing *number) at midnight. I'm trying to find out who did it. It...
How do I find out the settings (data bits, parity, speed) coming out of the PBX I/O port? This is on a 2400 IPX with Version 11
I'm trying to isolate an intermittant problem with our call accounting software. The software vendor is saying it looks like garbage coming from the PBX, or...
I would like some input on what test equipment you use to verify T1 circuits.
Currently dealing with an intermittant problem on a T1 and would like the ability to test the circuit myself.
Coming from a data backround I miss the ability of putting a BERT test monitor on the line looping it and...
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