i configured the offline files for mydocuments via GPO, it works, but in the client side (windows XP), for many times the synchronisatin is not done in the logon and logoff of the user.
I configured it in user administrative template in GPO to : syn when login and logoff.
Can you...
i configured the offline files for mydocuments via GPO, it works, but in the client side (windows XP), for many times the synchronisatin is not done in the logon and logoff of the user.
I configured it in user administrative template in GPO to : syn when login and logoff.
Can you...
I have a group witch content all users that have the permission to connect to my application server, I add this group to remote disktop users local group.
When I restart the application server, this group is removed automaticaly from the disktop users local group !!
Can you please...
to implement a offline files, I create an organization unit and I creat a global group contain my users that I want to use this fonctionality, I link my object group policy to this org unit, now when I test, the policy do not applied to the users.
but when I copy a user directly to...
I fill all parameters in Office Customization Tool. In the document (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/project/project2002/reskit/prk_psetup_3515.mspx?mfr=true) they said :
"1. Accept the end-user license agreement and click Install."
I can not find install botton. when I...
I just receive the MS Project installation CD, I do not now how to create (or find if there is in the cd) the MSI file that I can use to deploye this application for users using the Group Policy tool.
Many thanks in advance.
Many thanks Feherke,
Now the problem witch I have is :
- I want to insert in a table in the database these 2 dates and 2 others information like matricule that had before.
- The page demapprobconge.php will just display a message like : A new record was added in the database -or not-.
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