Hi, guys. We have a problem with a developer here, and I need find out the exact SQL he ran recently. I have no idea which sql he ran, it could be SELECT, DELETE, or UPDATE. The only info I have is his user name. I started to do my research last week, but no luck. I am not very familiar with SQL...
Thank you very much for your help. Both of your methods make sense to me. I am trying your 2nd method now, the transfer is in progress and I believe it takes at least 6 hours. I will let you know tomorrow if it works.
We need transfer all 52 million records from table apple into banana, we have 36Gb free space available, and I have already put the database into simple recovery mode, but the transaction still ate up all free space and failed. I have been trying several days using either the Import...
'usermod -e' should work if the accounts were disabled with the same command. If they were disabled with 'passwd -l', it won't.
Thank you very much.
I got it: you can user either 'passwd -l username' or 'usermod -e 6/14/06 username' to do it.
But, now the question is: how do enable those accounts through command?
We need disable some user accounts. I know we can open SAM and deactivate user accounts, but there are hundreds of them and it takes too long. My boss said it can be done with 'usermod' and asked me to write a script to do it. However, I checked the man page of usermod and I don't think it can...
Catadmin, I did run the command 'restore database apple with recovery', and I got error 'The RESTORE statement could not access file ...APPLE_2006...tuf'.
As far as I know, this command will try to apply the last log file first, then change the mode from readonly to read-write. But, I don't...
We have setup log shipping on our prod database APPLE. The destination database is configured to be in standby mode. The log shipping has been running well, and the destination database is always in ReadOnly mode. And today we have stopped log shipping. But by mistake, the source database was...
We have a Oracle9i database on HP server. I logged on as myself to our Win2k server, I created ODBC using "Oracle in OraHome92" driver. Then I clicked "test connection" button, typed in password, it works fine.
But, my client logged on as himself to the Win2k server and can not test the ODBC I...
I resolved the problem. All I need do is adding user sys-cluster to local administrator group. I thought it is already a member of local admin, but actually it was not. After that, everything works fine.
Thank you very much for your help.
Our developers want me to create ODBC for Oracle on a SQL Server box because they got error "The Oracle(tm) Client and networking compenents were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3(or greater) client software installation. You...
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