We need transfer all 52 million records from table apple into banana, we have 36Gb free space available, and I have already put the database into simple recovery mode, but the transaction still ate up all free space and failed. I have been trying several days using either the Import Wizard or insert sql script in SQL Analyzer. This is a very important project and all users are waiting for me! And the boss already got upset. A friend told me I can do it in SQL Analyzer: add a line before the insert script and the transaction will not be logged, but he does not know the details.
Could somebody help me with this? It's killing me.
We need transfer all 52 million records from table apple into banana, we have 36Gb free space available, and I have already put the database into simple recovery mode, but the transaction still ate up all free space and failed. I have been trying several days using either the Import Wizard or insert sql script in SQL Analyzer. This is a very important project and all users are waiting for me! And the boss already got upset. A friend told me I can do it in SQL Analyzer: add a line before the insert script and the transaction will not be logged, but he does not know the details.
Could somebody help me with this? It's killing me.