Mincom offers excellent technical training courses. Here are some of the courses provided by Mincom:
- Third party installation (include CICS)
- Ellipse Initial Deployment
- Ellipse Technical Administration
- Ellipse Webview Deployment And Administration
- Ellipse Server Diagnostic
- CICS...
Just change the ownership of the source directory and the files within it to another user. The user that owns the source files has to be a member of the mincomcm group (755 permission).
The only user which can change the files will be the owner.
Members of the mincomcm group will be able to...
1. ServerExpress Application Server only contains the runtime system. You cannot compile cobol program using AppServer.
2. The license key for Application Server and Developer is different. For each developer user license, you have 5 developer runtime user licenses. However, the developer...
Backend server
For Unix:
TP - CICS (not available on Tru64) or Tuxedo
RDBMS - Oracle or DB2
COBOL - ServerExpress
C/C++ - Forte C++ (Sun)
IBM Visual Age C/C++ (AIX)
Compaq Cxx (Tru64)
Make - GNU Make...
Assuming you are talking about user tables not system tables. The following SQL should list out all the tables for you:
select table_name from user_tables;
I tried to run a db2move load and I interrupted the command during running. So the tablespace is now in Load Pending and Backup Pending state. I can't backup due to Load Pending and I don't know how to get rid of the Load Pending state. Can someone help?? Thanks!!
It depends on what version of MOE that you are using (assume that you are using Mincom-TP). The later version of MOE (MIMS Operating Environment) comes with mscomp script and it looks up compile.tbl and look for ADF directive. If you specify an ADF directive in compile.tbl, mscomp will compile...
One of the inexpensive way to learn Oracle 8 DBA is to purchase Oracle Press book. They are very good and useful. However, I ain't sure how much you can learn by just reading the book especially you don't have IT and DBA experience. Hands-on experience is what you need.
Yes, Oracle always recommend you to use Choose Base rather Rule Base optimiser as Oracle will phase out Rule Base Optimiser altogether in the future release. The only disadvantage of using Choose Base is you need to do Analyse Table periodically as what MikeLacey suggested. Otherwise, the...
The simplest way to handle it is to create one large rollback segment for data migration. Then turn off all the normal rollback segment (offline) and leave only the big rollback segment online. Therefore, all the transactions will use the large rollback segment and you won't have any...
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