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Recent content by LKBrwnDBA

  1. LKBrwnDBA

    update query issue

    Frederico is correct, if you do not have "FUNCTION" indexes for those conditions, the explain plan will show "FULL TABLE SCAN's". And . . . SQL #1 would definitely be faster. [3eyes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be...
  2. LKBrwnDBA

    unix script for downloading the files from website

    You can use wget or curl [3eyes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb
  3. LKBrwnDBA

    giving user rights to access another schema

    Try something like this: DEF Owner_='SCOTT' DEF Newusr='NewUser' SET LIN 120 PAGES 0 TERM OFF ECHO OFF VER OFF SPO Grant_ddl.sql SELECT CASE WHEN Otype = 'TABL' THEN 'GRANT SELECT, INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON ' || Owner|| '.'|| Oname|| ' TO...
  4. LKBrwnDBA

    cursor for loops to insert record into a table

    If your EMPLOYEES table has no rows, the cursor does not return anything DUH! [banghead] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb
  5. LKBrwnDBA

    Not able to compare string value correctly from an array

    If you want to receive any help, you will need to: Write a clear explanation of the problem in proper English, with proper grammar and punctuation. Do not post in all capitals or use IM-speak like "U", "Ur", "U r", "Plz", "prb", "qry" or any acronym that is not well-known by the community...
  6. LKBrwnDBA

    Finding the ORIGINATING team of a client where the Current team is X?

    And what conditions define the "original team"? Post the query that base on a person just gets this "original team". [3eyes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese...
  7. LKBrwnDBA

    (Tough nut to crack) AWK, copy matching 2 col & 10-12 rows, is it possible?

    If your source file is named "test.txt", you could try something like this: awk ' $0 ~ "Test Case Number" {t=$NF} $0 ~ "Transaction Type" {if($NF=="Sale"||$NF=="Refund"){print t": "$NF}} ' test.txt [noevil] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The...
  8. LKBrwnDBA

    (Tough nut to crack) AWK, copy matching 2 col & 10-12 rows, is it possible?

    First you need to explain (clarify) what you mean by "...copy from the line that says "Test Case" to another "Test case" Post an example of the results you expect. [3eyes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should...
  9. LKBrwnDBA

    For i in $userarray[@] is one line off

    Remove the "[@]" from "for i in $userarray[@]", it's not necessary. [banghead] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb
  10. LKBrwnDBA

    UPDATE that uses DISTINCT

    No it doesn't, because you are omitting the duplicates -- or -- is it you only want to update ONE of the duplicate rows? [banghead] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. --...
  11. LKBrwnDBA

    Best type of index to use...?

    BITMAP. :p ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb
  12. LKBrwnDBA

    awk simple code

    Try this: awk -vexpected='/f2:200,/f2:201,/f2:300,/f2:301,/f2:600,/f3:600,/f4:400,/f4:500,/f4:600,/f5:400' 'BEGIN{n=split(expected,x,","); for (i in x) print "Expected#"i,x[i]} { for (i=1;i<=n;++i){ f0=substr(x[i],1,3);s0=substr(x[i],5,3);s=$1;f=$2; if (f0==f&&s<s0) {printf"%s %s <...
  13. LKBrwnDBA

    RMAN Backup Query

    As posted above: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb
  14. LKBrwnDBA

    RMAN Backup Query

    1) Configure rman (just once): CONFIGURE DEFAULT DEVICE TYPE TO DISK; CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK PARALLELISM 2 BACKUP TYPE TO BACKUPSET; CONFIGURE CHANNEL DEVICE TYPE DISK FORMAT 'Y:\orabackup\ORCL\%d_%U'; #<= location of backups # Other configuration statements . . . 2) Code backup...
  15. LKBrwnDBA

    group values of same option on one line

    Try: /usr/sbin/sshd -T|awk '{k=$1; a[k]=a[k]","$2;}END{for (k in a) print k,a[k];}' [3eyes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb

Part and Inventory Search
