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Search results for query: *

  1. LKBrwnDBA

    update query issue

    Frederico is correct, if you do not have "FUNCTION" indexes for those conditions, the explain plan will show "FULL TABLE SCAN's". And . . . SQL #1 would definitely be faster. [3eyes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be...
  2. LKBrwnDBA

    unix script for downloading the files from website

    You can use wget or curl [3eyes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb
  3. LKBrwnDBA

    giving user rights to access another schema

    Try something like this: DEF Owner_='SCOTT' DEF Newusr='NewUser' SET LIN 120 PAGES 0 TERM OFF ECHO OFF VER OFF SPO Grant_ddl.sql SELECT CASE WHEN Otype = 'TABL' THEN 'GRANT SELECT, INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON ' || Owner|| '.'|| Oname|| ' TO...
  4. LKBrwnDBA

    cursor for loops to insert record into a table

    If your EMPLOYEES table has no rows, the cursor does not return anything DUH! [banghead] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb
  5. LKBrwnDBA

    Not able to compare string value correctly from an array

    If you want to receive any help, you will need to: Write a clear explanation of the problem in proper English, with proper grammar and punctuation. Do not post in all capitals or use IM-speak like "U", "Ur", "U r", "Plz", "prb", "qry" or any acronym that is not well-known by the community...
  6. LKBrwnDBA

    Finding the ORIGINATING team of a client where the Current team is X?

    And what conditions define the "original team"? Post the query that base on a person just gets this "original team". [3eyes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese...
  7. LKBrwnDBA

    (Tough nut to crack) AWK, copy matching 2 col & 10-12 rows, is it possible?

    If your source file is named "test.txt", you could try something like this: awk ' $0 ~ "Test Case Number" {t=$NF} $0 ~ "Transaction Type" {if($NF=="Sale"||$NF=="Refund"){print t": "$NF}} ' test.txt [noevil] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The...
  8. LKBrwnDBA

    (Tough nut to crack) AWK, copy matching 2 col & 10-12 rows, is it possible?

    First you need to explain (clarify) what you mean by "...copy from the line that says "Test Case" to another "Test case" Post an example of the results you expect. [3eyes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should...
  9. LKBrwnDBA

    For i in $userarray[@] is one line off

    Remove the "[@]" from "for i in $userarray[@]", it's not necessary. [banghead] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb
  10. LKBrwnDBA

    UPDATE that uses DISTINCT

    No it doesn't, because you are omitting the duplicates -- or -- is it you only want to update ONE of the duplicate rows? [banghead] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. --...
  11. LKBrwnDBA

    Best type of index to use...?

    BITMAP. :p ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb
  12. LKBrwnDBA

    awk simple code

    Try this: awk -vexpected='/f2:200,/f2:201,/f2:300,/f2:301,/f2:600,/f3:600,/f4:400,/f4:500,/f4:600,/f5:400' 'BEGIN{n=split(expected,x,","); for (i in x) print "Expected#"i,x[i]} { for (i=1;i<=n;++i){ f0=substr(x[i],1,3);s0=substr(x[i],5,3);s=$1;f=$2; if (f0==f&&s<s0) {printf"%s %s <...
  13. LKBrwnDBA

    RMAN Backup Query

    As posted above: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb
  14. LKBrwnDBA

    RMAN Backup Query

    1) Configure rman (just once): CONFIGURE DEFAULT DEVICE TYPE TO DISK; CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK PARALLELISM 2 BACKUP TYPE TO BACKUPSET; CONFIGURE CHANNEL DEVICE TYPE DISK FORMAT 'Y:\orabackup\ORCL\%d_%U'; #<= location of backups # Other configuration statements . . . 2) Code backup...
  15. LKBrwnDBA

    group values of same option on one line

    Try: /usr/sbin/sshd -T|awk '{k=$1; a[k]=a[k]","$2;}END{for (k in a) print k,a[k];}' [3eyes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb
  16. LKBrwnDBA

    Dropping data files in a temprorary tablespace

    None, just make sure it is not the "default" temporary tablespace. Remember also to change it for the users that have this temp tablespace as default. [3eyes] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt...
  17. LKBrwnDBA

    help with loop in PL/SQL

    Try this: SQL> WITH Prod_Tab (Product_Code, Category) 2 AS (SELECT 'A145041', 'Filters' FROM DUAL UNION ALL 3 SELECT 'A452002', 'Hardware' FROM DUAL UNION ALL 4 SELECT 'A145041', 'Hardware' FROM DUAL UNION ALL 5 SELECT 'A245666', 'Film' FROM...
  18. LKBrwnDBA

    SQL Update coding best practice

    Perhaps something like this? (not tested) UPDATE ( SELECT T1.Transaction_Code , T1.Technical_Description , T1.ROWID Row_Id , D1.Code D1_Code , D1.Descr D1_Desc FROM Table1 T1 , ( SELECT '3001' Code, 'EDI...
  19. LKBrwnDBA

    find physical partition to move tablespace

    Try something like this: SELECT F.Group_Number , D.Name Disk_Name , D.PATH , G.Name Group_Name , Dbf.File# , Dbf.Name FROM V$asm_File F , V$asm_Disk D , V$asm_Diskgroup G , V$datafile Dbf WHERE D.Group_Number = F.Group_Number AND G.Group_Number =...
  20. LKBrwnDBA

    find physical partition to move tablespace

    Try: SELECT Tablespace_Name, File_Name FROM Dba_Data_Files; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. -- Chinese proverb

Part and Inventory Search
