So I have a customer who has VMPro and voicemail to email enabled. I have 2 users who screen their calls and they are also the only 2 users who get multiple emails sent to them when left a voicemail. It’s not duplicated, its two distinct emails, each having one wav. The first wav being the "Who...
I have a IPO V2 Rel 9.1.11. i have been trying to upload a file using LVM and each time I get an error message. I have confirmed with the recording studio that it is the right format, even ttok the file myself and used Audacity. I get an error message telling em to check the log files, but the...
I have the same kind of set up, though I go from Voice Question to Whisper. However, we have noticed that if nobody is at their desk as now with all being home, that the system is sending 2 emails. This only happens if nobody presses 1 to accept or 2 to reject. If nothing is...
Pepp77- the odd thing is I have tried that and when I go to connect it asks me for the Admin password, I enter it and then it asks me again and again and again. I had even changed the password through security settings and I still cant use WinSCP or Firezilla to connect.
Guys Im trying to upload WAV files to the Server Edition VM which is just like a UC module. I cant get to the opt folder, but I was able to put them into the File Manager in the VMProCustomPrompts folder, but when I go into VMPro and go to select the file I want, its not showing up there under...
I think somehow we got off track. When the customer receives calls and goes to put them on Hold, after her 2nd call the hold button disappears, meaning it is not there for her to press and she cannot put the 3rd call on hold no matter what she does. Why would it disappear?
I have a group of phones that when on a call and another call comes in they can press the hold key. When a third caller comes in, the hold button disappears and that caller cannot be put on hold for them to go back to one of the first 2 callers. I have enabled Caller ID on all the...
My customer recently changed locations and moved all the servers that hold Contact Store (CS) and VMPro. These are on 2 different machines and there is a shared path between them. After we moved the VMPro server and then moved the CS server they have not been communicating. The VRL folder is...
Hey Guys,
So I have a customer who moved their CS server and VM server to a different site, same network. The CS has a file path in there which pulls the files from the VRL folder. When we moved the CS server and VM server we changed the IP of the VM pro to the new IP, but the CS is still...
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