Microwave dangers.
Guys I suggest you make a small experiment. Use some seed to start growing plants. Then divide the growing seed into two pots. One of them water with normal tap water, the other with water boiled in a microwave and then cooled down to normal temperature. Observe the results...
Office 2003, 2007 and Office xp run very well on Windows 7 ultimate, however in word every so often a message comes up during the start of word informing the users " this is an illegal copy " but it gives the chance to continue. Well my versions of office are legal copies and I can proof it. I...
I honestly do not know what the high schools teach today.
The power in watts is I X V
or current times voltage
example a fan uses 5 amps at 5 volts that's 5 X 5 or 25 Watt
example 110 volts at .23 amps that's 25.3 watts
The amperage or the current by itself means nothing at all, it has to...
RE: Jock
That is correct, furthermore if the cmos is set up to boot from the drive in question it most likely will lock up if it does not find the boot information on the drive. Check and or adjust the c-moss first. That will most likely fix the problem.
I suggest that you get the Puppy distribution. At least for initial try outs. It runs completely in memory and has almost anything you might need. It also can be transferred to a USB stick. I did this and can boot any computer which has a USB port with it. It is really helpful for repairs of...
I do not believe your pain is from the card. However any radio emission can cause cancer if it is used for a long time. We did run a two year post graduate study using cell phones. It can be assumed as proven that cell phone use of more then 20 minutes a day can and will cause brain tumors. This...
Yes I do agree with you up to a point. But do not forget in an IDE setup the log or swap file is not written to the same cells. The rewriting continues in the next free cells and so on. So I do not believe there will be much problem in this regard, well the future will tell. At the...
I use a solid state 32 GB drive in a secondary system for the last 6 month. Yes they are still rather expensive but appear to be extremely reliable. I use the Sandisk compact flash cards in a CF to IDE adapter. The adapter came from Hongkong and cost me the "enormous" sum of one dollar for 3 of...
I received a Windows 7 beta version DVD from Microsoft. The installation on a spare drive was without any problem at all. The OS did find and installed all my drivers including my Raid drivers, printer, video drivers, scanner drivers etc. I was pleasantly surprised how well and smooth the...
I read it again and again as I did not believe it the first time. If you copied your my document folder and then deleted it you are in deep deep trouble. The my document folder contains almost all pointers and files necessary for a full boot up, without it it will boot but only to a certain...
Sett up your memory
1st channel 1Gb
3rd channel 1Gb
2nd channel 500 Mb
4th channel 500Mb
If you do this you will find that you have dual channel access.
Sorry mate, I never ever did receive a new hard drive with the operating system installed. I must have misunderstand you. Or I am getting old and senile.
Please clarify.
Some more info.
The CF drives actually do not work at a very high speed in a PCMI environment, they do work but very slow. But in a Lap Top its no problem at all. I replaced the 30 GB 2.5 hard drive in my wife IBM Lap top with a 32 GB compact flash and gained almost 40 minutes of battery use...
Actually you do not need any support for the modern CF cards. All you need is an IDE channel, the IDE logic is build into any type 1 or type 2 card, this is in the agreed CF specifications. Sometimes the cheaper manufacturers cheat and do not fit the IDE logic. But any of the major...
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