Thanks CoralTech,
It's kinda solved. There was a problem with the voip provider.
Forwarding a VE to dial 112 is a very good idea.
Phoning Dutchman - NEC SV8100 - Your help is greatly appreciated
Hi all! (and a very beautiful 2023 to you)
I'm preparing a SV8100 to have a second life in a local community center. My SV8100 knowledge is a bit rusty but most of the things are solved out and working. One thing I can't get to work is the possibility to call the emergency number which is 112...
@fernandinho first of all, please don't use caps, it's considered SHOUTING! You see? second: open a new tread. This one was about a SV8100 as you can see in the title.
For all other readers, I'm selling my SV8100 because I use a Freepbx now. Thanks four all your help in the past two years...
I have a strange thing going on on my SV8100. 50% of the time my analog extensions work fine. They can make a intern call and use trunks to make outside call's. The other 50% of the time, these extensions don't have a dial tone, can't make any calls but CAN be called by another extension...
Alright, adapter came in today. Tested it on a spare DT700 and it works. Unfortunately nothing happens on the DCL-60 when I connect the adapter to it. Any idea were to change settings so the phone knows it has a DCL-60 connected to it?
Phoning Dutchman - NEC SV8100 - Your help is greatly...
Well, it seems to work now. "Adjust the port for dial pulse so it ignores the DTMF from the base" I didn't do that. Timer is set to 0 seconds. Sometimes thinks just work suddenly :)
Phoning Dutchman - NEC SV8100 - Your help is greatly appreciated
Ahh ok. No I don't. 24v isn't a very much used voltage so no adapter for that. And my phones are powered by PoE. I'll have to buy one.
Phoning Dutchman - NEC SV8100 - Your help is greatly appreciated
A new day, a new question.
I bought a second-hand DCL-60-1P for my DT700 to add more function keys.
I connected it to the phone but it's not doing anything. I probably need to configure something but I can't find it.
Any idea's?
Phoning Dutchman - NEC SV8100 - Your help is...
Hi 3racefan3,
Thank you for your input. With a normal wired phone this would be the best solution, I agree! The problem is the location, there is no phoneline available so this is a dect Gigaset phone with the base station on another location.
To "pick up" the phone you have to hold the green...
I have a phone (extension 100) that has to be able to call a specific external phone number. All other external numbers have to be blocked.
I tried this: Blocked trunk access for extension 100. let it call to a virtual extension (300) and set that virtual to call forward to the external...
Thanks Belevedere,
I see Note 1: The NAPT (Network Address Port Translation) requires a license pre-loaded to the CP00. License code 0031 must have a quantity of 1 and can be confirmed with CM 10-50-01 or via PCPro or WebPro.
I really hate the licence based system. [rednose]
There are no new...
Hi guys,
Is it possible to connect a DT700 on another location to the SV8100?
In the phone I changed the ip address under SIP/Server Address & URI to the IP address of the location where the SV8100.
On that location I checked there is a port forward to the SV8100.
Anything else I have to do...
Alright: Good news: no more call drops. Bad news: still problems with disconnecting. Weird thing: 14-02-12 is ticked on?! So should have no problems with disconnecting (but should have problems with call drops). Are there other settings where this is set?
Phoning Dutchman - NEC SV8100 - Your...
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