Sounds like itll do the job. Thanks. star for the link
"To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long..."
Okay, that sounds a little dodgy maybe I should rephrase:
Execute in the background with no indication of execution, although the user has installed and accepted the licence agreement...
Im running a program that keeps a track of a persons hours worked. I need to be able to check the date...
Im glad you found a good solution =) And thankyou for the star!
"To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long..."
Maybe the apps load too quickly to make a difference. I run AdAware on startup but it loads too quickly and thus doesnt perform the scan properly, i have to run it manually. this could translate to you, maybe the apps load before a required dll or something is loaded?
"To the...
sorry another solution would be to open a new window that isnt resizable using javascript:
<a href="framespage.html" onclick=", 'popupwindow', 'width=500,height=390,scrollbars=0,resizable=0'); return false;">
"To the pressure, everything's just like: an...
youre retrieving something you should be inserting...
get file#, fileIndex, fileRecord
if im right, you'll need to set a variable as the file structure in your datafile
Type YourRecord as record
InString as String
end type
dim MyRec as YourRecord
get #1, (maths), MrRec.InString...
clear the contents of your startup folder. i assume youre using win 98 maybe older?
C:\Windows\Start Menu\Applications\Startup
or similar
"To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long..."
okay i checked up on the javascript theory and you cannot resize a frameset in the way you want.
if iframes cannot be used as an alternative, what about using a table and server side includes (SSI) or at least put a frame inside a table's cell
Ive just been on w3's site looking at frame info, it doesnt look like you can do what you want with the old html. i think you should post in the javascript forum (forum216).
Sorry I couldnt help =( hope you get it sorted
"To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion...
did you not see my post about meta refresh?
you could write a javascript for <body onload="refresh"> but i dont see the point... why load a page only to instantly refresh it? thats a waste of bandwidth. what are you trying to achieve
"To the pressure, everything's just like...
redflag this if you think it appropriate but i dont work with traditional frames so genuinely wouldnt know:
cant you use pixel units in the col attribute of the frame tag?
"To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long..."
Still not fully understanding your question. Do you want the page to automatically refresh to get rid of the two tables and display the third instead?
maybe this could be translated to your desires: thread215-751526
do a keyword search for "meta refresh"
"To the pressure...
sorry for some reason i thought a frame of a table. forgive me. if you use an iframe you can apply the style attributes. but if youre set on the normal frame, im willing to look it up for you
"To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before...
How do you mean? Like when a user clicks a button or automatically?
If its automatic, why not just delete the tables from your code in the first place?
"To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long..."
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