As I understand it: You can recertify at any time after the you pass the test the first time. I for instance passed the CCDA 6 months befor I passed the BCRAN for the CCNP. By passing this test my CCDA (as was my CCNA)was exstended 3 years from the date that I took the BCRAN exam. So I belive...
are there any improvements in zenworks from netware 6 to netware 6.5?
is there anything that changed from 6 to 6.5 that you don't like?
ccna, ccda
will netware 6.5 give me increased admin capabillities over remote access (over netware 6 or 5)?
or are the three versions ,for the most part, the same in that area?
ccna, ccda
i took the old ccda. but my instructer who has taken the new version said the test dose cover ipv6 and how to setup a router to route between ipv6 and ipv4. the test is still heavy on case studys also. i recommend using the cisco press book to study. i used the sybex book and ended up by the...
dose anyone know the passing score for the troubleshooting exam?
and dose anyone have any last minute study tips for the test? (subjects to hit hard, protocols that are asked about alot and so on...)
thank you
ccna, ccda
i recomend the cisco press books for the ccnp. they are the most detailed that i have seen. the books are well writen, with easy to unterstand picts.
i recommed staying away from the sybex books. even thought the ccna book was great, the ccnp books are not detailed enough, and are missing...
i started with the sybex books. they are not very good for the ccnp. i switched to the cisco press books. they are much more detailed, alot better for the tests.
i used hardware to practice, so i can't recommend a good sim.
i think trouble shooting is the hardest subject. but i havn't taken...
the cisco press books are a great way to study. the sybex book by todd lammel is also a great refrence for the ccna.
you can get a list of the test objectives on and if the objective is the list it is fare game. but make sure you study subnetting inside and out. and then some more.
now i took the cisco networking academy for mls. and hsrp is on of the chapters. i also had a few questions on the cert. test (i took the test a mounth ago) about hsrp. so yes you do need to know it for the test.
in a labe setup i had the same problem. (i was using three routers). i solved the problem by switching the middle router into fram-relay switch mode.
hope it helps.
ccna, ccda
all the study guides i have seen for the new ccda exam do not come out until june or july. (that includes the ones from sybex and cisco press books.) although someone mite have more info on this subject in the cisco testing forum.
ccna, ccda
the best thing i can recommend is to get hands on exprices with cisco routers/swithes. and when you think you know subnetting inside and out study some more.
ccna, ccda
i don't know witch you should start with (networ+ or cisco).
but if/when you do go for cisco you need to start with the ccna. it is a basic for all cisco certs and is required to get get any profesional level certs from cisco. the ccda is also a basic cert but i found it very helpful to have the...
but having both certs will just make you look better. anyway most network support people work on both sides of the network (the network it self (where cisco helps), and the user side (where microsoft helps)). so that just make you worth more to a company.
at least thats the way i look at it. i...
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