The system is working good. It was nice that it got wiped out because it was so bogged down with bad programming. We now started off fresh and programmed in what we wanted. Thank you again for all of your help. Its never worked so good.
You're a star in my flashlight.
Yes, thanks again for all of your help. You are always bailing me out.
I think our phone going awol was the best thing that could've happened for it. Now we can program it the right way. Start fresh.
Thanks again! I appreciate it.
You're a star in my flashlight.
Hi hi. So, it seemed that in theory our voicemail worked. We can get into it, change things etc. However, it never picks up. When someone calls in and if the phone is not answered it just rings and rings and rings some more.
Due to past experience with this phone, I am a little paranoid to...
Alright, so I followed the step by step guide and voicemail is set up again. However, when I dial into it the little voicemail fairy says..."Please check your information and call back".
Any ideas?
Well, I've been reading the Dispatch manual. I've followed it step by step to set up voicemail, turned the port back on at each station etc...but, now when I hit MSG or FEAT 64 it does a voicecall.
SO, what comes next? I really just think it all needs to be reinstalled, and if this is the...
Hello hello. We have Starplus DHS with Dispatch voicemail. The other night due to a storm our power went out for at least 3 hours. Wiped out our voicemail. When I hit FEA 64 or MSG to access the voicemail it says NO VM PORT. So, there is nothing. We have tried turning it on and then off...
We had the phone guy come out. He said that whatever I did worked. However, its a new week so there's a new problem. Just between you and me(and whoever reads this) I think my boss keeps jacking something up. I'm going to drop you an email instead of taking up so much space here. As always...
oh, one more thing. I may have fixed it unexpectedly. I went in and changed line 3 from CO to OPN. It appears to be working, the voicemail didn't pick up.
Ok, so the problem is this:
Someone tries to send us a fax and it either goes directly into voicemail or will ring the fax machine once and go into voicemail. Either way, we rarely receive our faxes.
Yes, once I set lines 1&2 to both all calls went straight to I have them all set to NONE now.
We don't use AA anymore during business hours. We tried to once and it messed everything up. We just use it at night when I just hit the NITE button and the ringers shut off and...
I went in and all three lines were set to NONE, so I changed both lines 1 and 2 to BOTH and left 3 at NONE. I'll let you know if it works. Thanks for the help. Again!
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