The OS is embedded on the motherboard, in CMOS chips. The only way to bypass this is to have an alternative OS boot via a USB. I have done this successfully using ubuntu linux on USB keys, and running Java POS system on the linux platform (Iced Tea java).
It is a science experiment you are...
Does this help?
var hODBCDLL : N12 = 0
var emp_lname : A16
var emp_fname : A12
var versie : A20 = "v1.0"
var updated : A50 = "01-01-2013"
var upd_by : A50 = "yourname "
var ISLName : A20 = "Clock In SIM"...
Leave the network as is, network by DHCP. E7 will communicate with the other workstation based on device name.
To make a device active, make it active on itself. The other will then see that the other workstation is active.
I have upgraded Every version of Micros, including RES3000.
You have nothing to worry about.
Micros uses dotnet 1.1.4322. Other versions on the computer will not affect it. If you look at IIS and the assembly Micros uses to deliver the web components like Manager Procedures, menu board etc.
Also run:
"C:\Program Files\MICROS\Res\Pos\Bin\LogViewer.exe"
Watch the DB log and find the exact error you are getting on starting DB.
Is it on all levels or only when moving to FOH? The log will tell you exactly what you need to know
Thanks for logging your finds. I have seen a few interesting virus. In one instance a rootkit had replaced the original winlogon.exe and the time efficient method of repair was to reimage. I have seen others that have hidden downloaders etc, that are compiled locally and again hide in %appdata%...
check your services and look for sqlMICROS running as a service. YOURSERVERNAMEHERE means put the name of your server here.
Windows>start>run>services.msc will open the srevices window.
Have you changed the computer name? run services.msc and check the name of sqlYOURSERVERNAME and compare the server name with the actual PC name.
If the SQL service has not started, start it.
You cant send already printed / sent order lines again. Having said that, I have played around with SIM and future orders, and by directly manipulating the DB was able to get print jobs to fire again and in the future. Key fields for this are:
Table: CHK_DTL
Field: autofire_time...
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