I thought at one time someone told me that it is possible to order with a carrier a block of DID's let's say with an Indianapolis area code that can ride on let's say a Chicago PRI with a 630 area code. AT&T told me no, but I have had various people tell me this technology was possible...
the target lines are not set to ans yes in line admin for the AA.
Yes the AA is set to answer under F982. Meaning operator settings correct?
I dont know how any programming could have changed with a power outage.
The system was rebooted but not shutdown and powered down. Someone suggested...
Are they still assigned to the sets? Yes
Are they still programmed to ring the set? Yes, 4 rings
What's the prime line assigned to the lines? The main console DID. Even if changed to a different prime, still goes directly to voice mail.
Is the set cfwd to vmail? No, none of them. Just dont...
BCM 400 v3.0
Do not know why all direct inward dial numbers on the local T-1 are going straight to user VM box when being called after a power outage and system reboot.
Branch lost power for awhile and is now restored, however, when calling any/all direct inward dial number on the T-1, the calls go directly to the users voice mailbox. No longer rings set first. ??? I recall this issue a long time ago but cant remember what happened. I did a system reboot...
I have a branch with 2 phones that when you pick up the handset the phone goes on speaker and they cant get off. they are not using headsets and they have checked the speaker button being stuck. Handsets have been replaced. Being 2 phones could this be a feature code entered for auto speaker...
I am not a programmer but was given an excel file built with macros and visual basic. It is a document for formal review and appraisal processes but needs tweeked to company specifics. Long story short, a user can click on buttons and be brought to specific worksheets to fill out. The...
YEAH..i rebooted the port this morning and she is routing correctly and can make toll free calls. Thank you all!!!!
ANother question with this operator set. 6122 is a ring only to her intercoms. the set is not in service, just a phantom DN to her phone. Calling the DID from the outside...
bare with me---i am so confused and not an expert programmer nor on site.
* ROuting service is Manual with Y overflow. Fallback is programmed if a ciruit goes down. Not understanding-6100 is the only set not following the routing rules. She is not getting expensive route. toll free calls...
intercom...or just picking up the handset and picking nothing
okay, intercoms are 6100
this is also the operator so line 121 and 122 are main analog lines for inbound then when busy hunt to the main DID of the local pri which is 6100. 6100 appears 6 times for rollover inbound. this all used to...
Nope didnt work. Still trying to go out on LD circuit. I am at a loss. I dont understand how one DN isnt following like everyone else. This is the operator. Would a reboot of the port be something to do?
there are destination codes
route 001 use pool pri-b - local pri
route 002 use pool pri-a - ld pri
1800 - use route 001
this is the only DN not following the rules
DN 6100
Line access
Line asslgnment
Line 121
Line 122
Line 241
Line 263
Line pool access
Pool B
Pool PRI-A
Pool PRI-B
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