I just purchased a dell xps, 9530.. it came with windows 8.. I removed and installed windows 7 (dell wont support since it wasn’t configured with windows 7)
did all my windows updates.. got all drivers to load, but cant get the drivers to load for the usb 3.0 ports.. device manager has...
i have a small office, we have a windows 7 server that i would like to backup online, maybe 5-10 gb.. i liked carbonite.. but it is crazy expensive.. can anyone recommend an alternative that isnt as expensive? only one computer, a windows 7 server.. real time backup, flexible where i can select...
Combo, thanks.. i did find several.. but i was looking for software that people have downloaded and used, and they liked and can recommend
if anyone has any suggestions, id appreciate it.. thank you!
when a project is done i grab all email files from outlook 2007 (windows 7) and drag to folder onto my desktop. issue i have is i cant search thru msg file contents in future if i need to look for something. Ifilter isnt working,
i would really like a 3rd party msg viewer i can download and use...
i have google business apps for my email.. windows 7 (64bit), using outlook.. all my email is on googles servers (gmail), and an always sync'ed copy is on outlook.. if i reformat i dont have to backup my pst file, i just download from google apps
question is, what software does that for...
i currently use "basecamp" and it does a good job, but doesnt have a feature that i need.. does anyone know of an online project management site that has the capability to load an app on my desktop that reads directories that i select on my local computer and sync directories/files, etc w/ an...
I currently have LOGMEIN to remote desktop in from laptop to office.. have no issue with it EXCEPT.. when i am logged in and it is running in the background.. it sucks up bandwidth.. and i am on an aircard.. my bill in 3 weeks is $350.. I had gotomypc and my bill was never over $70 a month...
is there a way to have excel (2003) ask a question as soon as it is opened.. and fill in a predetermined cell with the data?
i have an invoice form.. and would like it to ask "HAS THE PREVIOUS BILLING OF $XXX BEEN PAID? (reads an amount from cell)... then have the option of selecting YES, or NO...
is there a way to have excel (2003) ask a question as soon as it is opened.. and fill in a predetermined cell with the data?
i have an invoice form.. and would like it to ask "HAS THE PREVIOUS BILLING OF $XXX BEEN PAID?... then have the option of selecting YES, or NO, or enter a different...
Maybe i'm asking it incorreclty... i have a formula that works.. "=IF(C21=E21,"Paid", (C21*D21)-(E21))" this works great.. Now i am trying to add an additional IF function to display a blank cell in "F21" (where this function is) if there is no data in any of the above mentioned cells (C,D,E...
i have a formula "=IF(C20="","",IF(C20=E20,"Paid",(C20*D20)-(E20)))"..
this is my invoice form... if the 2 cells "C20 and E 20" are blank.. no data.. i want the TOTAL cell (F20) to be blank... if the TOTAL cell is equal to what is in "C20" and also "E20".. than i want it to display "Paid"...
i know how to add a drop down list (using validation).. but i am having a problem adding a formula to it... i want the drop down list to display "25% OF TOTAL, 50% OF TOTAL, 75% OF TOTAL, 100% OF TOTAL"... than when one of those 4 are selected... it automatically finds that value in the cell...
I have my contacts set up/seperated into .."Groups" (not categories)... as in groups in mean there is a sub directory under "Contacts".. like family, clients, friends, etc...
I right click on a subfolder (lets say CLIENTS), select the checkbox to add it to the outlook address book...
then, when...
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