am trying to copy the login script on to the desktop of some laptops at login (dont ask)
using the command
if %computername:~0,3% == LAP xcopy /Y /D \\lsahtc_win2k1\netlogon\ntstaff.bat "c:\documents and settings\%username%\desktop"
if i run the login script in a cmd window after login has...
I'm trying to setup deployment of myodbc on our windows 2000 domain. We only upgraded the domain from NT in the summer, this is the first time we've tried to deploy software. I cant seem to get it to work
what i've done
created an ou called "install software"
moved our testpc from the computers...
try setting the permissions using a win2k workstation. there's more permission options there, in advanced. I don't know if they'll stick tho. worth a try i'd say.
Security Forums
we didnt defrag our fileservers for 10 years. we upgraded to win2k server the other day. they are soooo fragmented it's untrue. Gonna take days to defrag and they're only 35gb scsi drives. After the upgrade we have seriously fragmented swap files. gonna have to sort that out.
However we've...
disallow all students from accessing the proxy. create an account called say "internet" that does have access thru the proxy.
use a perl/wsh script to randomly change the password of that account between lessons. teachers have to phone up your office to get the password, or look on a staff...
i'm trying to free up space on my c: drive. only got 500mb free. dont worry its only a
2.4 gb partition. i got my swap file elsewhere.
anyway when i do add/remove windows componets i get asked for the windows cd. it then has a window entitled configuring components. appears to do some stuff...
u can do it like this:
@echo off
VER | FIND /I "Windows 95"
IF %OSVER%==Win95 ECHO You are running Windows 95!
IF %OSVER%==Win2K ECHO You are running Windows 2000!
Security Forums
are you sure you've spelt that right?
Security Forums
not as such, but sounds like some sort of netbios problem.
the last netbios problem I had, I spent a day fiddling with my computer only to discover the tcpip netbios helper service wasnt starting.
I aint a netbios expert. so all i can suggest is read as much as possible about it, and you'll...
you can set registry keys in the policy but you have to rewrite them in policy format.
best bet is to use the search in regedit to locate the keys holding the proxy information.
another way is, if the machine exists that the proxy is set to, use the analogx port forwarding program to forward...
do you know what service it's talking about?
are there any errors in eventlog about services not starting?
Security Forums
net start and stop are somewhat limited.
there's a really excellent tool called sc.exe from an nt reskit.
I used it to stop and disable the messenger service, on all...
i'm not sure whether i should post this here or in the asp forum, but anyways
I'm creating a relational database in access.
I'm gonna write a front end for it in ASP thru IIS4.
I'm just wondering if i need to define the relationships in access or not.
will relationships have any effect if...
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