I was able to import my tables into MS SQl 2005 and they will drop and create. When when I try to run them again on a schedule they will not work. Nor can I run them manually agian. But everytime I reimport them they work the first time. here is my error log. Can anyone please help me...
I was able to import my tables into MS SQl 2005 and they will drop and create. When when I try to run them again on a schedule they will not work. Nor can I run them manually agian. But everytime I reimport them they work the first time. here is my error log. Can anyone please help me...
Yeah your able to delete them after you restart your computer. This is something that has just started, I am trying to figure out what has changed to make this start happening.
I have been having some problems lately when exporting to Excel from Crystal 8. When I open them I get a read only error when I have just exported it. And I can't delete any of the files from my desktop after I am done with them it says its being used by someone else. Anyone else having...
I have a parameter that allows descrete values and also a range of values to be pulled. I need to be able to use the select expert starts with the values in my parameter. I can only use the start with when I enter one value, it will not let me enter a range of values and use the starts with...
The ODBC information is set up correctly. If it wasn't it wouldn't let me view the report to begin with, correct?
Would BO be able to solve this problem if we purchased a one time Single Incident? We have never done that?
Here is the message when I try to schedule the report.
Status: Failed
Printer: The instance is not printed.
External Destination: Mail the instance to " test1@test2.com; test1@test2.com " with a subject of " test ".
Data Refresh Settings: Use the server defaults.
I am trying to run these reports as the Administrator. And the BO is installed on the same computer that the Microsoft SQL server is sitting on.
How do I change the BO ID to become a network ID?
I am able to preview all of my reports in the CMC when you hit preview, But when I try to refesh any of my reports I am getting this error:
handleCrystalEvent failed
Unable to retrieve Object.
The database logon information for this report is either incomplete or...
We had an out side source install this and they choose Enterprise for the Crystal Server and I have manually set everyone up in there. But the Microsoft Server that has the Data Sources on the same computer is Active Directory. Could this be my problem?
I have tried to run this both as the...
Can you give a little more explaintion on how to check the rights/permissions?
This also may be some of my issue, When I go to the CMC Servers > clr-combr.reportjobserver.jobserver > Check User Rights
and clicked on administrators and I get this error:
Retrieve Error!
There was an error...
I have imported a report into Info View (that has no parameters), I am able to run the report on Demand, and I am also able to run the report within the CMC Preview. I have tried scheduling using the admin account, when using the publishing wizard and also with a authorized users. But anytime...
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