It seems that the majority of the people on forums don't like resellers, whether they are Radiant, Micros, DD, or whatever. I am a dealer and I post on this forum to HELP people who may not have good relations with their dealer. I understand that some dealers are not good, and charge too much. I...
OK, I read most of that post and it holds up to what I have come to figure of that forum.
1. Complete generality of dealers. Not all Aloha dealers charge that much. It's the DEALER not the software that is charging that much.
2. One guy claims that Aloha isn't CISP compliant. Can someone say...
Show me an all-in-one terminal that you CAN buy parts at a computer store. If you want to go that way, buy a regular computer with ALL of the peripherals that come with it. I've dealt with these and they are a pain in the butt. Unless you planned well, they will look like crap because you have...
This is such a grey area. I've given up. I'll let the PCI a-holes and the software companies figure out. When the merchant services people that I talk to don't even know what CISP or PCI is, I get a pain in my head from the frustration!
And it's not proprietary if you can use any hardware that you want with the software. Micros is proprietary because you HAVE to use their hardware. There are terminals out there that you have to send back to the manufacturer to get fixed, but are they proprietary? No. Just because a software...
I have a lot of clients that are going TO Radiant hardware. The reason being is that they have an awesome warranty program. If anything goes wrong, they send you a new unit (up to a year). You can buy a longer warranty program (up to 5 years). In the long run, it's actually cheaper to do this...
Wouldn't this take someone breaking into your office? Yes I know that they might be able to break into you system via the internet. If you have a strong firewall system and a strong password scheme, then it would be very difficult to "hack" in.
Yes, I agree that the upgrade should encrypt the...
I guess the moral of the story is to make sure you have strong passwords for your computer, strong firewall in place, lock the door to your office whenever you leave, and only give access to CC numbers to ppl that you would trust with your life.
I personally think that if someone really wants...
I personally wouldn't delete the stl files. They're handy just incase you need to look up some numbers in the future. Doesn't hurt anything to delete them.
I hadn't heard that older versions showed the card numbers in the trans.log. I wonder if a fixlog would work on this.
In order to read the trans.log information you would need a dealer only HASP key with the Log Utilities program. You cannot see what's in the trans.log with notepad. How are you seeing the card data?
Encrypting the STL files should be enough because that is the only place that the card numbers...
We have a client looking into this. When you say that it doesn't integrate as well as you'd like, what do you mean by that? Can you expand a little bit?
Awesome, I just wrote a long reply and the website screwed up as I was sending it, erasing my post.......It's gonna be a lovely day.
First, I apoligize for my outburst, This tip thing has finally hit a nerve!!
Bo, I haven't seen that exact message, but if you have "must declare at checkout"...
Honestly I have never had to deal with this. To me it sounds more like a bookeeping issue. It's been my expierence that servers always declare less than what they really make. To be honest I get taxed on everything I make, but servers are exceptions to the rules of the IRS!! So I don't have much...
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