AJP Laptop
2.66ghz p4, 1gb Ram, dvd/CD-Rw
OS - Windows XP Home
I have just brought a php for beginners book and I am attempting to follow the instructions to get a testing server. The book suggests using Apache (latest stable release at time of book is 1.3.32) also it says use php 4.1.1 and mySQL 3.23.49. But all of these seem obsolete and also the suggested ver. of apache has serious conflicts with Zone alarm firewall which I use as my firewall
So do I 1)Install apache 2.o (does apache 2 have the same problem with zone alarm?) Ignore that part of the book and carry on or 2) Use my old tower (500mhz p2, 64 Ram, CD-rom) install linux and then apachi, php, mySQL and develop the site on my laptop using Dreamweaver MX and save to a cdrw and test it on the old tower?
I thought this teach yorself method would be easy maybe not.
I hope I've included every thing you guys need to give me good advice if not please contact me on or .NET -
Thank you for helping me!!!
AJP Laptop
2.66ghz p4, 1gb Ram, dvd/CD-Rw
OS - Windows XP Home
I have just brought a php for beginners book and I am attempting to follow the instructions to get a testing server. The book suggests using Apache (latest stable release at time of book is 1.3.32) also it says use php 4.1.1 and mySQL 3.23.49. But all of these seem obsolete and also the suggested ver. of apache has serious conflicts with Zone alarm firewall which I use as my firewall
So do I 1)Install apache 2.o (does apache 2 have the same problem with zone alarm?) Ignore that part of the book and carry on or 2) Use my old tower (500mhz p2, 64 Ram, CD-rom) install linux and then apachi, php, mySQL and develop the site on my laptop using Dreamweaver MX and save to a cdrw and test it on the old tower?
I thought this teach yorself method would be easy maybe not.
I hope I've included every thing you guys need to give me good advice if not please contact me on or .NET -
Thank you for helping me!!!