I want to design a label containing variable fields with the ZebraDesigner tool. The designer force me to fill the variables when I try to print as described in the faq
The result is a label like this
^FT80,650^A0N,58,57^FH\^FDCurrent Date:^FS
^FT75,340^A0N,58,57^FH\^FDArticle No.:^FS
I want to force the ZebraDesigner creating ZPL2 code using ^DF (download format) and ^DFd.x (field number). After this the tool should send it to the barcode printer (StoredFormat). Later I'll to recall the label width ^XF.
In my opion the function File->Export to Printer should make this work but I get an error message: 'Terminal supports only prompted variables!'
I want to design a label containing variable fields with the ZebraDesigner tool. The designer force me to fill the variables when I try to print as described in the faq
The result is a label like this
^FT80,650^A0N,58,57^FH\^FDCurrent Date:^FS
^FT75,340^A0N,58,57^FH\^FDArticle No.:^FS
I want to force the ZebraDesigner creating ZPL2 code using ^DF (download format) and ^DFd.x (field number). After this the tool should send it to the barcode printer (StoredFormat). Later I'll to recall the label width ^XF.
In my opion the function File->Export to Printer should make this work but I get an error message: 'Terminal supports only prompted variables!'