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Z-index does not help

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Aug 13, 2004
The porblem I am having is that on one partciular screen when my drop down is made visible via some Javascript when the user hovers over the relevant main menu item my drop down appears over everything except for the drop down boxes already displayed which it goes behind. I have tried
setting the Z-index of the drop down when it is created but this seems to have no effect.I will post the Javascript code for the drop down menu if it helps for you to resolve this issue.
thank you
a select box is a windowed element, therefore nothing can be drawn over it.

however there is an IFRAME workaround.
i have an FAQ that has an example. just try modifying it (it draws divs over the seletc box and hides the div's borders)...


Known is handfull, Unknown is worldfull
The other workaround is to set the display of the select to "none" when the mouseOver event happens and show it again on the mouseOut event.

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build better and bigger idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. - Rick Cook


Just posetd the javaScript code i used for the drop down menu.I am a little bit confused where to make those changes.Please it is very annoying to see the select box on the top of the drop down menu. as always your help is appreciated.


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* (c) Ger Versluis 2000 version 5.41 24 December 2001 *
* For info write to menus@burmees.nl *
* You may remove all comments for faster loading *

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function AfterBuild(){return}
function BeforeFirstOpen(){return}
function AfterCloseAll(){return}

// Menu tree
//MenuX=new Array(Text to show, Link, background image (optional), number of sub elements, height, width);

Menu1=new Array("How to bid","","",6,20,100);
Menu1_1=new Array("Guide to bidding in PDF format","/bidlet/misfiles/pdf/bidguide04.pdf","",0,20,200);
Menu1_2=new Array("Suspension notice to bidders "," Menu1_3=new Array("Ways to bid ","/bidlet/html/howtobid.html","",0,20,290);
Menu1_4=new Array("Minnesota human right "," Menu1_5=new Array("State Wages "," Menu1_6=new Array("Federal Wages ","
Menu2=new Array("Pre-letting","","",12,20,100);
Menu2_1=new Array("Advertisments","/bidlet/advfiles.html","",0,20,210);
Menu2_2=new Array("Addenda list for upcoming letting","/bidlet/addenda.html","",0,20,210);
Menu2_3=new Array("Current letting PlanHolders list","reports/projectlog.html","",0,20,210);
Menu2_4=new Array("Expedite files for electronic bidding","ebsfiles.html","",0,20,300);
Menu2_5=new Array("Letting dates","/bidlet/letdate.html","",0,20,200);
Menu2_6=new Array("Main vendor List","reports/pdf_report/cityname.pdf","",0,20,210);
Menu2_7=new Array("Recent vendor List","reports/pdf_report/citybyco.pdf","",0,20,250);
Menu2_8=new Array("One item per line","reports/pdf_report/consec.pdf","",0,20,210);
Menu2_9=new Array("Schedule of prices","reports/pdf_report/consec.pdf","",0,20,210);
Menu2_10=new Array("Plan and proposal price in PDF format","/bidlet/planprice.html","",0,20,250);
Menu2_11=new Array("3 Year program ","/bidlet/progfiles.html","",0,20,200);
Menu2_12=new Array("6 Month tentative schedule","/bidlet/6month.html","",0,20,200);

Menu3=new Array("Post-letting ","","",3,20,100);
Menu3_1=new Array("Abstracts","/bidlet/abstract.html","",0,20,210);
Menu3_2=new Array("Bid results","/bidlet/bidresult.html","",0,20,210);
Menu3_3=new Array("Past letting PlanHolders list","reports/projectlog.html","",0,20,210);

Menu4=new Array("Historical data","","",8,20,100);
Menu4_1=new Array("English To Metric Conversion in PDF format","misfiles/pdf/eng2met.pdf","",0,20,250);
Menu4_2=new Array("Trans*port Item list / English System","/bidlet/itemeng.html","",0,20,200);
Menu4_3=new Array("Trans*port Item list / Metric System","/bidlet/itemtri.html","",0,20,200);
Menu4_4=new Array("Used item List","EBS.html","",0,20,180);
Menu4_5=new Array("List of Minnesota Citiest","/bidlet/misfiles/pdf/citylist.pdf","",0,20,180);
Menu4_6=new Array("List of Minnesota Counties","/bidlet/misfiles/pdf/countyno.pdf","",0,20,180);
Menu4_7=new Array("City-County Engineers List","/bidlet/misfiles/pdf/city-co.pdf","",0,20,180);
Menu4_8=new Array("Jobs-Sps","EBS.html","",0,20,180);

//Menu5=new Array("FAQ","","",2,20,100);
//Menu5_1=new Array("Ways to bid","howtobid.html","",0,20,200);
//Menu5_2=new Array("Frequently Asked Question","question.html","",0,20,200);

Menu5=new Array("Downloads","","",3,20,100);
Menu5_1=new Array("Expedite bid data","/bidlet/html/expedite.html","",0,20,200);
Menu5_2=new Array("Foreign Iron/Steel in PDF format","Report/Pdf/form1601.pdf","",0,20,200);
Menu5_3=new Array("Adobe/PK Zip","/bidlet/html/adozip.html","",0,20,200);

Menu6=new Array("Links","","",10,20,100);
Menu6_1=new Array("Spec. Books "," Menu6_2=new Array("EEO Office"," Menu6_3=new Array("Office of Construction"," Menu6_4=new Array("Supplemental Agreements"," Menu6_5=new Array("Innovative Contracting"," Menu6_6=new Array("Bid Express "," Menu6_7=new Array("Mn/DOT office of Investment Management-STIP "," Menu6_8=new Array("Mn/DOT Tech Support "," Menu6_9=new Array("Mn/DOT Materials "," Menu6_10=new Array("Alphabetical Listing of Mn/DOT Offices ","
<select name="weekad" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt" ;  "z-index:-1" [highlight]id="weekad"[/highlight]>
                      <option selected>----Advertisment Files----</option>
                      <option value="Nov121704AD">3 Week Ad for 11/17/04 Letting</option>
                      <option value="Dec121704AD">4 Week Ad for 12/17/04 Letting</option>

Then in this file (<!--#include virtual="ssi/leftnavigationgreen.html" -->) there will be some onMouseOver and onMouseOut events that call menu functions, you will need to edit them simlar to this...

<td onMouseOver="someMenuFunction(); [highlight]document.getElementById('weekad').style.display='none'[/highlight]"  onMouseOut="anotherMenuFunction(); [highlight]document.getElementById('weekad').style.display='block'[/highlight]">Menu Item</td>

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build better and bigger idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. - Rick Cook


could be more specific what i need to do here.I am not sure if i need to create a function called someMenuFunction()as you displayed on your code and where i need to put this code.Please forgive me if i sound like ignorant i have a very limited knowledge of programing.
thank you
Like I said in my last post, those function should already by written. I was just attempting to show you where you might put the new code. I can't show you directly since the code that needs adapting is in the INCLUDE which you did not post.

You don't sound ignorant but I do question the label of (Programmer) next to your name [wink]

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build better and bigger idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. - Rick Cook


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