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You can't carry out this action at this time

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Jun 28, 2001
I have a multiuser Access 2000 application. Most of the time it runs with no problems. Occasionally, and it seems very randomly, a user will get the messaage "You can't carry out this action at this time." When this happens, you cannot proceed with anything. In fact, you have to use Task Manager to exit the program. We're using an Access mde frontend that is loaded on each individual workstation running the Access 2000 runtime and an Access backend on a Windows 2003 domain server. There are usually other nonAccess programs running concurrently on the workstations. Each user runs his/her own mde locally and does not share resources located on other workstations. They only share the database on the server. I can't duplicate the problem on the workstation I use for development. I have experienced some problems with conflicts between different Access libraries on the workstations before and have resolved them (mostly with help from this forum I must say). Does this sound like something along those lines? Thanks.
First of all you have to identify what action the users were trying to execute at the time of the error message. We they saving a record? Retrieving a record? Opening a form? Which form? , etc.

If nothing was being initiated by the User on the front-end do you an OnTimer event procedure that is executing code on a preset timed schedule?

Someplace something is happening. Have your users help in figuring this out.

Bob Scriver
[blue]Want the best answers? See FAQ181-2886[/blue]

This is part of the problem. It doesn't occur at any one particular event on any one particular form. It may happen while opening a form one time and while saving a record on a totally different form another time. There is no evident rhyme or reason. And it doesn't happen on any regular basis. After we close the program and reopen it, I can perform the same functions that led to the message and everything works fine. This is happening on more than one workstation but not on all of them. All I can say is that it appears it is triggered by something the user may be doing but we can't pinpoint any one thing. I guess I need some ideas about the types of things that could cause this message. Thanks.
Any luck with this diamondsc?

I am having the same random problem, and it's killing my app!

Here are a couple of links that deal with this same problem. They may help:

This link is interesting an supports what I have found in a number of threads on found on looking for Error 2486 - which is the error you are getting. Seems there is a connection between ADO, filtering forms from other forms and subform, and how a subform is populated. Whether it is SQL or Saved Query or using the Link Child and Parent method. The following quote can be found in the above link.

Access will execute the code in the lowest level subform first, which means that the subform (and its code) is probably being executed before the main form has opened/loaded. The quick dirty way of fixing the problem would be to put an “ON ERROR Resume NEXT” statement on the open event of the sub form... not the best solution but it generally works.

If you really want to fix it correctly then you will have to step through the code with the debugger and see what is executing in what order and move things about – possibly by putting certain code on the Current event etc.

There is another method...

You can use the LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields properties together to specify how Access links records in a form or report to records in a subform, subreport, or embedded object, such as a chart. If these properties are set, Access automatically updates the related record in the subform when you change to a new record in a main form. But, you can still run into another set of problems with using this method – check the Access help files for more.

I hope this helps you. I would try to use the debugger to walk through the loading of a form that seems to be a problem and see what line of code is causing the problems. This last link indicates a problem with ODBC connections which may take a long time to complete and actions in code that are assuming that the records are already downloaded may in fact not be completed. This makes sense in that if you are filtering by form and the forms recordset SQL or ODBC connection to a table is not completed and your code then tries to execute a command using this data or a reference to a subform that is not been released by ACCESS as ready, then the resulting error as you indicated would happen. This could be periodic depending upon network traffic and connection issues so this is why you can't get it to work on your system but others at other times have the problem.

Hope this helps you. If you need more information try the Microsoft Knowledgebase for this error resolution. Or, Google the error# as I did and perruse through the links.

Good luck.

[COLOR=006633]Bob Scriver[/color]
[COLOR=white 006633]MSU Spartan[/color]
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