Actually, given that the average Gregorian calendar-year is 365.2425 days, 3.8 years = 1387.9215 days.
Regardless, we already know we've got 3 whole years, so all that's left to resolve is the 0.8 year (nominally 292.194 days). If we divide that by the average month length (30.436875 days), we end up with 9.6 'average' months, or 9 months and 18.262125 days.
All of which is pretty academic if you're wanting to relate anything of th calculation to a calendar, in which case you need to deal with actual month lengths.
Then format the cell with a custom format
yy " years " m " months"
Add days etc. to taste. Sadly this will give a leading zero to the years (for some reason "y" changes to "yy" and displays 03).
In deference to Skip, I should point out this merely displays the appropriate wordage but doesn't change the underlying value, which is a number of days, which I'm abusing by treating as a date).
If you use the DATE mothod, you get 1/30/1904. Well, think about it. If the day is within the first month of days, then one month has not transpired. unlike DATE counting, which starts with Month 1, DURATION counting starts with ZERO. If the days durations is less than one month, then it is zero months.
So, using the DATE method you must subtract ONE from the month.
Skip, Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE!
Given that an 'average' month is 30.436875 days, any value that rounds to 30 days is less than a month. Thus, for an input of 4.083 years, 4 years 0 Months and 30 Days is correct, whereas 4 Years 1 Months 0 days is not.
... so the real problem is that a month isn't a defined length of time (because it could be 28, 29, 30 or 31 days, depending on which month). It would make more sense to say "3 years and 10 Septembers". This means the original question, sadly, is ambiguous, and cannot be answered as written.
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