Just wondering if anyone has YA loaded or Unified Communicator Advanced working on thin clients? If so are there any gotchas or limitations of what terminal services client can be used?
i asked this question the other day. you mkay already have this but my findings were, havent implemented anything yet:-
UC Advanced server-side will work on:-
• Citrix® Presentation Server (v4.0 and 4.5)
• VMWare Server (1.0.4 and ESX Server 3.0.2, Update 1)
• Citrix Client (v4.0 and 4.5) - Not Softphone
The following notes are an extract from the Engineering Guide:
• Citrix Server: The UC Advanced client can be deployed using version 4.0 and 4.5 of the Citrix Presentation Server application delivery system. UC Advanced supports both Desktop mode (the Citrix ICA client) and Web mode.
The following restrictions apply when the client is running on a Citrix server:
• Deskphone only: UC Advanced acts as a deskphone controller under Citrix Presentation Server. The Softphone option is not available to the user at client startup, nor in the Configuration window's Handle Calls Using panel. Softphone features such as call recording and Teleworker are not available.
• No collaboration: The Collaboration feature is not available under Citrix. The Collab menu does not appear in the main window and collaboration invitations sent to a user running UC Advanced under Citrix do not cause an invitation pop-up to display.
• Access to Citrix-based resources only: UC Advanced cannot access resources that reside on the client workstation. This includes the local file system, PIMs, and instant messaging clients. To be accessible to UC Advanced, these resources must reside on the Citrix server:
– PIM integration: UC Advanced integrates normally with PIMs that are running on
the Citrix server.
– Knowledge Management: The Knowledge Management feature works the same on
Citrix, provided the indexed Outlook folders and file paths are on the Citrix server.
– Instant Messaging: UC Advanced integrates normally with Microsoft Messenger
and Microsoft Office Communicator (LCS) clients that are running on the Citrix
For information about setting up Citrix Presentation Server to run UC Advanced, refer to
the Citrix product documentation.
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