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xwindows on telnet session

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
hi all
l have graphics adapter on my RS6K server ......and x server is also running.
All other prerequisites for AIXwindows are already met and we have graphical
session on our graphics monitor.
Now what i want to know whether it is possible to run Xwindows
on a telnet session from a pc to server?????
How i can do that?

Yes, you can.

You need to run some X Window Server software on your PC, something like Humming Bird, or LAN Workplace. I use Lan Workplace at work all the time, very pleased with it.

There might be some free X Windows s/w about, I don't know of any though, anyone else? Mike
Email welcome if you're in a hurry or something -- but post in tek-tips as well please, and I will post my reply here as well.
hi mike
i want to do it without any additional s/w
Infact when we run that s/w we are running xwindows client/server
on that pc....... but my question is that when we are running xserver
in RS6k and have graphical card we should do it without any xwindows
s/w on pc....i think we can do the same on linux.

u need a client xwindows to be running on ur pc. u cannot run GUI otherwise.

sendhilk's right...you need a client xwindow s/w that will emulate your server's xwindow or graphics.

hummingbird EXCEED's perfect! try it but quite expensive, you may ask for a trial copy...usually 30 days...it runs on MS windows 95/98/NT/2000...
You shouldn't have a problem from a PC running Linux as Linux comes with the X Windows System. You should be a ble to connect your X Windows System on Linux to the X Windows Server running on the Aix machine.

If you want to do it from a PC running Windows 95/98/NT/2000 you will need to purchase X Windows client software such as Hummingbird.



u can try this

export DISPLAY=<ip address of ur PC>:0.0

and then try running the graphical application , it shud work......

otherwise u got to install X-windows client like REFLECTION, Humming bird ............

hope itwill help

Are you thinking about Xhost? I still think you need software on your pc
like hummingbird or reflection x...but you could try the xhost setup and see what
you come up with.... never tried it with a pc....

Make sure that your DISPLAY variable is set
export DISPLAY hostname:0

Setting Up Xhosts
usually ...you have two systems....sysa and sysb....
on sysa you issue the following:
xhost + sysb
or xhost +
rexec sysb aixterm -display sysa:0
This will then show sysb window on sysa's screen.

Other than that I believe you need the Reflections or Hummingbird.

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