My xml looks something like this
The Dataset elements can have an attribute which is data-cols. This can be any number and denoted the number of columns that should be used to display its child data elements.
So if its data-cols="2" it should be two columns for that data i.e.
if it was data-cols="1" then the child data elements need to be 1 col each so would end up like so, over two rows.
I'm trying to write the xslt to do that be not getting very far. Any ideas hpw to go about this ?
<group collapse-flagged-groups="Y" collapse-flagged-datasets="Y" css-class="CarePlanProbGroup" javascript-function="highlight(this)">
<dataset collapse-this="Y" data-cols="2">
<data label-text="Created / Modified By:">Jim Davidson On 23 October 2007 23:10</data>
<data label-text="Date Entered:">12 September 2006 12:14</data>
<dataset collapse-this="N">
<data>Is clinically obese, tablet controlled diabetic - oh yeah!</data>
<dataset collapse-this="Y">
<data label-text="Type:">Overweight</data>
<group collapse-this="Y">
<data label-text="Goal">To ensure client has a full understanding of selected diet - oh yeah!</data>
<data label-text="Interventions / Actions">
Discuss diet in full, give information leaflets
Discuss any difficulties that the client feels they may have with the diet
<data label-text="Person / Team Responsible">Dietition</data>
<data label-text="Review Date">29 October 2007 29:12</data>
<group collapse-this="N">
<dataset collapse-this="N">
<data label-text="Type:">Diet counselling</data>
<dataset collapse-this="N" data-cols="3">
<data label-text="Entered Date:">12 September 2006 12:14</data>
<data label-text="Update By:">Mike High</data>
<data label-text="Update Date:">23 October 2007 23:10</data>
<group collapse-flagged-groups="Y" collapse-flagged-datasets="Y" css-class="CarePlanProbGroup">
<dataset collapse-this="Y" data-cols="2">
<data label-text="Created / Modified By:">Jerry Smith On 27 September 2007 27:11</data>
<data label-text="Date Entered:">27 September 2007 27:11</data>
<dataset collapse-this="N">
<dataset collapse-this="Y">
<data label-text="Type:">Constipation</data>
<group collapse-this="Y">
<data label-text="Goal">afkasdjfhjk</data>
<data label-text="Interventions / Actions">hadkfhjkasd</data>
<data label-text="Person / Team Responsible">adjkhasdjkhf</data>
<data label-text="Review Date">29 October 2007 29:12</data>
<group collapse-this="N">
<dataset collapse-this="N">
<data label-text="Type:">Goal setting</data>
<dataset collapse-this="N" data-cols="3">
<data label-text="Entered Date:">23 October 2007 23:12</data>
<data label-text="Update By:">Noody Burton</data>
<data label-text="Update Date:">23 October 2007 23:12</data>
<group collapse-this="Y">
<data label-text="Goal">yep</data>
<data label-text="Interventions / Actions">yep</data>
<data label-text="Person / Team Responsible">yep</data>
<data label-text="Review Date">29 October 2007 29:12</data>
<group collapse-this="N">
<dataset collapse-this="N">
<data label-text="Type:">Diet sheet</data>
<dataset collapse-this="N" data-cols="3">
<data label-text="Entered Date:">27 September 2007 27:11</data>
<data label-text="Update By:">Summer Sams</data>
<data label-text="Update Date:">27 September 2007 27:11</data>
The Dataset elements can have an attribute which is data-cols. This can be any number and denoted the number of columns that should be used to display its child data elements.
So if its data-cols="2" it should be two columns for that data i.e.
if it was data-cols="1" then the child data elements need to be 1 col each so would end up like so, over two rows.
I'm trying to write the xslt to do that be not getting very far. Any ideas hpw to go about this ?