I've successfully set up a home based XP VPN PC client to office based FVS318v2 using XP's IPSec policies, thanks to the excellent info on this site. Before this, I'd also set up FVS318v2 to FVS318v2 site to site VPN.
The site to site and the XP vpn tunnels both have the same problem, only the office based router where the VPN tunnel terminates can be pinged. Addresses on the same subnet as the office router can't be pinged (but all are pingable using the office FVS318 diagnostics, or when the laptop is physically connected to office subnet).
Office subnet is and the PC XP subnet is
Ping speed over the VPN tunnel is <30ms with no packets lost. I think this is a routing issue, but I'm not sure what static routes I should add - I've experimented, but to no available.
I only enable the appropriate VPN tunnel one at time for each test.
I can't see any errors in the logs on the office FVS318, but those logs are only for the WAN i/f.
The site to site and the XP vpn tunnels both have the same problem, only the office based router where the VPN tunnel terminates can be pinged. Addresses on the same subnet as the office router can't be pinged (but all are pingable using the office FVS318 diagnostics, or when the laptop is physically connected to office subnet).
Office subnet is and the PC XP subnet is
Ping speed over the VPN tunnel is <30ms with no packets lost. I think this is a routing issue, but I'm not sure what static routes I should add - I've experimented, but to no available.
I only enable the appropriate VPN tunnel one at time for each test.
I can't see any errors in the logs on the office FVS318, but those logs are only for the WAN i/f.