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XP Reboots during CD burning

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Technical User
Feb 6, 2002
Since I've done a fresh install of XP home on my 98 machine, I've been plagued with random reboots. My system is a P4, ABIT TH7 MB, 512M Ram, Radeaon 7000 graphics card, 300W PS. The system ran fine under WIN 98.

I'm primarily getting them while burning CD's. It happens while it's copying a CD prior to burning, as well as during the burning process. I've replaced my CDR drive and versions
of Nero, but they still occur. I was using an NVidia graphics board, but read that their drivers could cause this problem, so I switched to a different board.

I've set XP to not automatically restart on system failure, but that's what happens.

If I look at the event log at the time of a reboot, I see two Event log entries under System.

1st Event Log=
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 5.01. 2600 Service Pack 1 Uniprocessor Free.

2nd event log
The Event log service was started.

There were no unusual entries under Event Viewer - Application at the time of the reboot.

I'm not sure if this is related, but when I look under Help and Support, Advanced System information, there are many entries under Service Control Manager that say: The Application Management service terminated with the following error: The specified module could not be found.

I also have some entries from a few days ago (before I switched CD drives) that say
The device, \Device\CdRom0, has a bad block. I've not had any of those in the last few days.

Under My Computer Information for Hardware, all my hardware is supported.

I'm pulling my hair out. I've tried to provide as much info as I can. If more is needed, please let me know. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Huh, are the CD's burned ok?
If so, there is an option in Nero that actually tells the PC to shutdown or reboot after finishing.
Maybe that is it? You better check it! The solution is out there. [morning]
If I'm copying a cd, it'll happen either during the reading of the original cd or during the burning of the new cd. It doesn't seem to happen at the same place every time either. It doesn't happen all the time, but it occurs more times then not.
If you have Windows set to not reboot, and there's nothing in your event viewer, then I guarantee that it's a phyisical hardware problem. My first guess is overheating. Burning CD's generates quite a bit of additional heat. If you have a temperature monitoring program, take a look at it. If you don't have one, search the internet for motherboard monitor. Even if the temperatures look ok, this will only be for the motherboard & processor. Other components can overheat - like memory and video card memory/processor.

Second guess - power supply
Third guess - memory, but this would most likely cause an error, not just a reboot
I have to agree with SMAH. A system rebooting abnormally is usually a direct effect of overheating. You should be able to set an option in your BIOS to either allow for hotter temp or at least to not reboot but maybe send alerts to the pc console. I have noticed alot of mother boards with this option, the other think you may wan to check is your processor bus speed. If by chance you have tried to overclock the cpu, this may also be a direct cause to the issue. You may want to look into downloading a program that can monitor your cpu temp or system temp if applicable. Thus far I have only seen 2 things that will cause a direct reboot of a system, usually processor, then memory, or maybe even Video, but Video would normally just give you strange lines or other issues with the screen you would be able to see that affect first. Good luck.
I agree 100% with smah guesses, there are the order to look for problems.
But I wonder if it is only when burning CD's?
If it is, and mattmilw let's cool the system down for at least an hour, or even open the case an put a fan on it, just as a test while burning, if it still crashes, it is not a heating problem.
I had a similar event not so long agon on one of my PC's it drove me nuts as well.
Everything pointed to heating, next the processor, RAM...
I swapped everything except the main board and the Powers Supply.
Sinve the power supply was easier, I replaced that and .. problem gone.
Turned out there were peaks at random where the 5V dropped for an instant, enough to lock up or reboot the PC.

It is not easy to check these things if you don't have replacement parts, so I guess mattmilw will have to work by elimination.

Does it ever reboot when NOT burning CD's?
Try the cool-first and then with fan test, does it reboot?

If not, you probably having some interrupt issue or other conflict.
If you are using 2 CD drives, try the same with just the burner, disconnect the other one.

Let us know The solution is out there. [morning]
Simple question?
Have you tried an other burning program.
Like Clonecd for example.

If you still have the problem. Than I must agree for a hardware Failure.

Try it,


Some more info on this end-

I'm not overclocking, and the exact same thing occured using Roxio as well as Nero. It also happened using XP's burning program. It also happened 2 other times when I wasn't burning. I was copy/pasting big files.

Here is where I'm at-

Smah's point about heat or PS made perfect sense to me. I downloaded Motherboard Monitor, and watched the CPU temp and cabinet temp as I burned a CD. The temp never varied more then a degree from 95F. The system still rebooted.

Not having another PS available, I decided to format/reinstall XP again. After the install finished, without installing anything else, I installed Nero and was able to burn several CD's without problem. I've since installed SP1, Windows Updates, and Intel's Appplication Accelerator, and I can still burn without issue. The only thing different in this installation of XP from the previous is I'm using a different video card. I had installed this card earlier as a troubleshooting aid, but it didn't correct the problem.

I can't really guess what has changed, but so far I'm very encouraged that this problem seems to have gone away. I've probably burned 15 cd's since the reinstall. Before, I couldn't get 2 in a row to burn without a reboot.

I want to say thanks for the excellent suggestions. If anything changes, I'll let you know.
you have no idea how long i've been struggling with this same problem! the ONLY thing that doesn't match is the fact that your shutdowns only occur during cd-burning and mine seem to happen at random.

BUT, the odd thing is that i get event log entries (along with the 'Uniprocessor' and 'event log has started' ones that you get) referencing the 'IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service'. i've disabled the service and am waiting to see what happens.

as to the hardware theories.....i've disabled/disconnected/uninstalled/replaced everything in my machine.....EVERYTHING, including the power supply...and here's the thing i find REALLY weird....this same problem occurs under win2k AND xp for me....but not under winMe, which was what came installed on the box. i suppose that sort of matches up to your situation in that 98 and ME are the same thing more or less.

i'm beginning to think it's related to the IMAPI CD-BURNING SERVICE issue. that would at least be sort of related to the burn/shutdown issue you were having.

hmm...odd thing is that my cd-burner isn't currently installed.

i'll let you know if i find a solution.
A last (I hope) update on this. The problem did not go away after reloading the OS.

My MB uses RDRAM, of which I have 4 128mb sticks. If I remove 2 of them, the problem goes away. If I remove the remaining 2, and replace them with the first 2, it still runs fine. If I put all 4 back in, the unexpected reboots return. I've run checkiIT and DocMemory, and it passes. Since any 2 of them work OK, it doesn't appear to be a bad stick. I'm wondering if it's a MB problem as it doesn't mess up until memory is installed in slots 3 and 4.

I'd really like to run with 512 mb of ram. I'm hesitant to spend the money on 2 sticks of 256mb so that I avoid slots 3 and 4, but it's appearing to be my only option.

Any thoughts?

well to jump on to this wagon... I am having the same issues with my system: MB: MSI KT4VL, Ram: 512MB, WD 120GB, LiteOn DVD, LiteOn 40x CDR writer, SIS 315 AGP video - was one of those buy a piece of the computer each month until you had the completed 'masterpiece'. Software XP w/sp1, Office 2K, Roxio ... etc. when I try to move big files to my server or write to the cds there are sporadic re-boots get the two lame eventids of Uniprocessor Free and Event Log started BUT I get a bugcheck with the following info: 0x000000d1 (0x6283ff10, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0xf87f8e6f). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini012103-01.dmp.

any clues would be appreciated!

First of all, Uniprocessor Free and Event Log started are normal things to be in your event viewer every time you start. These are not errors. Second, you can disable the automatic rebooting of XP - right click on My Computer, Properties, Advanced tab, Startup and Recovery Settings button, uncheck 'Automatically restart'. This will allow you to see the information related to the stop error.

matmilw, based on your last 2 posts, I'm still inclined to guess at the power supply. You might be right on the edge of what your power supply can carry. Some video cards can draw quite a bit of power. Your video card / ram addition may be just enough to push it over the edge. Do you have any high draw devices you can live without for a little while (second hard drive etc)? If so unplug that from your PS and see if you can run with all your ram.

wdkoenig, have a look at this for D1 stop errors:

slicerprime, for random reboots I would first look to the ram. But if you have thoroughly tested the ram that shouldn't be it.
i didn't read all the post so sorry if repeating...but have you tried burning at a slower speed...my old computer did the same thing...too slow of a computer...or try different brand of disks
Astroflux- Thanks for the suggestion. My unexpected reboots are not limited to just CD burning. I get them in Photoshop as well as when copy/pasting big files.

SMAH- The power supply theory sure made sense, so I replaced it with a 350 Watt unit. Unfortunately, it didn't solve it. I've backed off burning CD's because of the problem. It's primarily happening if I'm working on an image in Photoshop, and really have to make a lot of toning adjustments to it. When I go to save it, bang, it reboots- no blue screen, nothing in the error logs. If I'm running with 256M of RAM (2 sticks of 128M rdram), it does not occur. If I have 4 in (for 512M), it happens. As stated earlier, I've switched which 2 pieces I use, and it runs fine. When running all 4 pieces, I've switched which slots they're in, but it still happens. I'd sure welcome any other suggestions. Thanks.
The computer that has had this problem is my every day box... Now that its the weekend I'm going to challenge it with a doing what had caused it problems before but I am going to try to update the bios of this box first. always an interesting event...

will report back
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