I have recently built a new computer as the old one I built crashed and was getting old. I have set all the components up and installed the old hard drive, which had XP pro as the operating system, hoping it would work. It boots to a screen saying that XP was not successful in booting up due to recent software or hardware changes. It gives options to start in safe mode or just start as normal but it just goes in a loop with whatever option i pick. I have files on the hard drive that I need so don’t want to reformat the drive a reinstall XP. Is there anything that mite work?
I have recently built a new computer as the old one I built crashed and was getting old. I have set all the components up and installed the old hard drive, which had XP pro as the operating system, hoping it would work. It boots to a screen saying that XP was not successful in booting up due to recent software or hardware changes. It gives options to start in safe mode or just start as normal but it just goes in a loop with whatever option i pick. I have files on the hard drive that I need so don’t want to reformat the drive a reinstall XP. Is there anything that mite work?