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xp pro map a drive, can it be done?

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Jun 29, 2006
I have 2 xp pro machines networked
they are connected to a linksys router with DSL Static ip

I have a place down the road that I would like to access the database for the company versus remote admin. since ther are several computers there.

I have tried "\\xxx.xxx.xxx.x\server\actdatabase which should be the path if I have read correctly. But I am pretty sure I am missing something cause it won't connect to map.

I may be way off base but, I seem to remember years ago I could do this through a dial up connection to the server.

Also all of the WG names are correct
Are you saying this machine you are trying to access has an IP address of xxx.xxx.xxx.x, with a share called server under which actdatabase (file or folder?) lives? Its not a machine called server? (you need either the ip address or the machine name for the first element, then a share name, then any structure under that sharename).

And you've tried typing that address into a run box? What happens (what message do you get)? (you obviously won't be able to map a drive until you give it an address it can resolve).
wow that was fast!

the xx's are the public ip the Server has a local ip of 192.xxx.x.3 and the folder that the database resides is the actdatabase.

So would that be \\xxx.xxx.xxx.x\xxx.xxx.xxx.x\actdatabase ?

I stuck on how the router will loate the correct machine, ok really I'm stuck ... period
So the database host machine has ip 192.xxx.x.3 and your other macbine has presumably 192.xxx.x.x? If so, typing \\192.xxx.x.3 in a run box should open an explorer window with the database machine (and its shares - I'm presuming it has shared filestore, or this exercise won't work). If the folder 'actdatabase' is shared, using the same name, then it should now appear in the explorer window as actdatabase. If it does, and you can access it, then you can map a drive to \\192.xxx.x.3\actdatabase. You could also use the machine's name instead of ip address (if its on the same LAN as you).

If I've misunderstood, and you are not connected over the LAN, then you'll need to use its public ip address.
I may have found another problem but. I am trying to access our Server at work from another location 20 miles away.

We have years ago used a dialup connection and I seem to remember that I could map the drive for the Act database access.

In this day and age the internet seems to be a faster way and I am pretty stumped, Sure ther is a way just unsure how.

This is what I tried
right click net neighbor > map a drive> clicked the network server line> and the network or ftp or website choice>

Then a box came up and I typed \\ our ip address from our host \ "server" the name of the machine behind the router at work > \ "actdatabase" the name of the folder the database is.

As you said I thought that the explorer window would open when I get it right.

I just noticed this laptop I am on won't ping anything outside my home network.

ohh was in the wrong directory for the ping , opps

Pings the main ip fine
The first thing is: making any data or services open to the internet is a dangerouse thing to do unless done properly. If you really need to make this data available to the internet, Windows File Sharing is not the way to go.
Is the folder you are trying to access set up to be shared? Do you have permissions (share and security) to the folder?

Have you tried accessing the folder using net use command? If so, does it connect or give you an error?

The basic structure for net use is:

net use * \\computername\sharename

The * will connect as the next available drive letter.
The problem is, the server you're trying to connect to is using Network Address Translation and a private IP address (the Class-C subnet 192.168.x.x is reserved for this), and the PC you're trying to connect to it with is not on the same subnet, or behind a different firewall/NAT server. So you won't be able to connect to it, unless you set up the remote NAT server to assign a PUBLIC IP address to the server in question, and translate the public IP address to the PRIVATE 192.168.x.x address of the server. Then you would connect to it using:


The trouble is, you need access to the NAT server and an understanding of NAT to make it work. Someone at that site should be able to set it up for you.
Thanks for all the help, so far I've tried this and some of it works

Set up a VPN tunnel on the server
Again the Server is located behind a linksysrouter
local ip's are the norm 192..168.1.130
there is a share on this server called act

I can make the connection using the dialup and starting a vpn connection and it logs in properly, or so it seems

When I Right click on net neighbor > map a drive and use \\Public ip\act it wont connect states that it does not exist.
I also tried \\public ip\Server name\act

Any other clues? I can map the drive while at work in the private network

If you have a pool of available public IP addresses at that site, you can configure the Linksys router to use one of those public IP addresses (NOT the public IP address of the router itself!) to NAT to the Private IP address of the server. Then you would map to the drive using

\\[public IP]\[Sharename]

Again, that's the Public IP of the SERVER, not the router.

Some reading on what NAT is and how it works
OK, now that you've explained that you're doing this over VPN - use the internal/private IP address, not the public IP address. If you're making a VPN connection properly, you're inside the same network & you no longer need the public IP address at all.
I should probably clarify that last bit:

Once the VPN is established (using the public IP), then you only need to work with the private IP addresses.
If the share you are trying to connect to happens to be a hidden share then make sure to include a $ at the end of the share name.

"Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy"
Albert Einstein

I got the connection this morning at work from my xp pro
was putting in //public found out just to do public ip in the connection box

Made a mapped connection inside the network

Am at home and it will not make a connection even though I put the same things in the boxes

\\192.168.1.xxx\actdatabase and no file
tried \actdatabase still the same , I'll keep trying I know it can be done , just getting it there..

any other ideas?
If it is behind a router have you port forwarded to the inside IP?
If the VPN is established nothing more needs to be done with the router. Don't open or foward any ports unnecessarily! Are you sure the VPN is established? What mechanism is being used to create the VPN? Is there really a dial-up connection involved or are you talking about the initiation of the VPN connection throught broadband internet? You can find many VPN solutions in forum463. A more clear explanation of your setup would help to cut down all the irrelavant guessing.
Ok I still can't but heres wat I'm doing

From home I set up an advanced connection over a dsl line
To the Router at work

It made a shortcut so I just click on it and it asks Usr name and PWD , I have the same user and pass on all computers
It autheticates and states connected ( I use Remote admin to verify that there is a connection on the other end at work )

I then right click on Net Hood and map a drive the normal box comes up and I choose the network line near the bottom of the map box, It then seems to search for services and only gives one option and I choose it then it asks the web Ftp or network address, I put in \\public ip\actdata and it thinks about it then states there is no folder or not valid share.

I have tried \\actdata \\\actdata and that won't work either

I use at the house and office the same router Linksys wrt54g
I have assumed that the ports are corret since I can set up the connection.

I'm still unclear - is the router at work the VPN endpoint server or is there an actual VPN server that you're connecting to (via pass-through of the router)?

This sounds like a name reslution or permission problem related to the VPN server. This sort of problem is well covered in the VPN forum.
why not simplify things and use pc anywhere or some such program.
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