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XP Pro Client can ping to ip's, but no DNS 1

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Jan 14, 2003
Hello All -

Our network is running on W2K Server, with (mostly) XP Pro clients using DHCP. One XP Pro machine has suddenly become unable to get an IP address via DHCP. As a temporary solution, I assigned it an IP address outside the normal pool, and manually entered the DNS info. It could then get to our internal servers, etc. Unfortunately, it still can't outside our network for e-mail or the web. Naturally, this person gets priority e-mails and this is our busy part of the year.

I can ping to internal machines by IP address or name (server01, etc.) fine. I can ping to outside IP addresses (such as our ISP's DNS servers) fine. I can't ping to the web via name (ping at all, I just get an error message, no IP address resolution.

I have removed and reinstalled the nic in device manager and have played around with the TCP/IP settings (changing the DNS order, removing and replacing all, using just the internal DNS, using just the external DNS) all with no luck.

Does anyone have any ideas on what to try next?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Mike Simone
What your explaining is exactly the same thing I had when I moved a family member from dial-up to broadband. The cable company's installation CD was trying to connect to their DNS server and it couldn't. I could get to IP addys, but not domains.
To make a very long tedious story short, the cable support engineer asked me to run a ad/spyware checker, I did.
They had picked-up a spyware program (nunet/ncase)and it had hijacked their system.
It doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but after getting rid of the spyware, everything worked fine.

Good Luck,

Bcastner -

Thanks for the pointer! I had checked the FAQ, but obviously I was not paying good attention. I finally got her pc back on the web, updated the AdAware and got her machine cleaned up. I got some 'Entry Point Not Found' errors when I first restarted after the WinSockFix ran, but a round of updated AdAware got rid of them.

Thanks again,

Mike Simone
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