I'm running XP Pro...originally the only user account on my system was Administrator with no password. This was great because I wanted XP to simply boot to the desktop with no login. I needed to add a scheduled task but the scheduler wouldn't accept my administrator user with a blank password. Sooooo, I added a user called Admin and gave that user administrator rights. The scheduler was happy... But now when I reboot I get prompted for a login. Since I don't want a login I want to remove the admin user. When I log in as Administrator, I don't get the option to remove the admin account I created. It tells me I have to create yet another user with administrator rights before I can delete the admin account. (doesn't the original Administrator account meet that criteria?) All I want now is to go back to having Administrator be the only user on the system. And it would be really nice if I could get the task scheduler to use that user with NO password. Anyone have ideas? Can I turn off these stupid profiles?