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XP Install - asms parameter incorrect -> ??

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Technical User
Jan 11, 2002
i am getting an error message when installing xp, which says that a file could not be installed (c:\windows\i386\asms or something) because the 'parameter is incorrect'. ive used this xp cd to install before, so what could be wrong ? and how do i fix it? thanks very much for any help

See Q287546 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for more information.
the knowledge base says that article is not available. so whats the deal... i tried copying all the files in the asms folder from the cd to the hard drive and telling it to install from there, but of course it can't find the rest of the files then.
i have actually already looked at that article, and the thing is that isn't the error message i get. i dont have the option of telling it where to look for the file, it just wont let me finish installing.

why is asms referred to as a file by the install program? it is a folder, and there are no files anywhere with the name asms, so why the discrepancy ?
Most of the comments I have seen on this error message talk about a faulty CD or "a bad burn". You might like to check out some of the following links to see if they can help you.

One comment included this....."ok, i had the same problem. Take the xp disk to another computer and burn the asms folder to a new disk. Reboot your computer with the problem. It will say resuming setup. then it will ask for the location and hit ok. Type D:\ and thats it. It seems to be an upgrade error that microsoft overlooked."

decibel08, i had the exact same problem,

here's what you have to do, go into the cd into the folder x:\asms\6000\msft\windows\common\controls\ and copy three files in there including a file called controls.man onto a floppy disk.

now boot your computer up with a dos floppy disk so u can get to the command prompt,
cd into the folder below
then do this command

attrib -r *.*
del *.*

that command will take the read only attribute from all the files in that folder and delete them,

while you're in that folder do a copy like this
copy a:\*.* .

that will copy the three files that you copied from the cd to the floppy to the current \common\controls\ directory,

after you've done copying, you can restart the computer and it will run fine,

*note* before you doing all this, just go into that folder and open up controls.man, you'll see nothing in that file, which is wrong, b/c that file have many things in it, compare it with the one u got on the floppy disk, the one in the floppy disk have lots of things in it,

hope this is the right problem, and i'd solve it
yes! yes! its all right! i did basically what is outlined in the last post, except i just had the files in the asms folder on another cd and alternated. hooray for pirating!

I get the same exact problem!

I'm trying to update from XP Home Edition to XP Professional Edition. I've used the CD on other computers before without a hitch. This time it gives me the "ASMS" error (Parameter incorrect).

I'm installing on an HP Pavilion 521n machine and I've upgraded the BIOS (v3.02). I tried disconnecting all peripherals, and I've disabled the audio codec in the BIOS (integrated sound card in the machine). Nothing seems to resolve the problem.

I attempted manually copying the three files that Alpha4eva suggested, however, when I boot from the floppy, I can't access my hard disk because it's formatted in NTFS. Is there a way to "mount" the hard drive when I boot from the floppy?

Any ideas? Anyone? please help...!
NTFSDOS.EXE is a file system driver for DOS/Windows
that is able to recognize and mount NTFS drives for transparent access. It makes NTFS drives appear indistinguishable from standard FAT drives, providing the ability to navigate, view and execute programs
on them from DOS or from Windows.

The latest version of NTFSDOS can be found at

The read only version is free but the write version is expensive.

A cheaper option might be the clean install path and use FAT32 as your file system followed by the Convert exe to finish up with NTFS.

307881 - HOW TO: Convert a FAT16 or FAT32 Volume to NTFS in Windows XP

Your XP Home CD would be a Qualifying Product enabling you to use any XP Pro CD upgrade version as an equivalent full version CD.

This would help you transfer any files or settings.

293118 - HOW TO: Use Files and Settings Transfer Wizard in Windows XP

Other copy options would also be available to you while you were in FAT32.

For example you could copy the i386 folder from the CD-ROM drive to your local hard disk, and then try to run Setup from your hard disk.
I am also having a problem where I get a an error stating Installation Failed: D:\I386\asms. Error Message: Data Error (Cyclic Redundancy Check). I tried to access the c drive using a dos boot disk and could not access it. I then used ntfsdos.exe and accessed it but once i go into the windows folder I cannot find a folder called i386. It is nonexistant. That means the setup hasn't even gotten that far in creating it. I tried creating the directory and it said unable to create directory.

I am not sure what the problem is. Can anyone further help?

Are you selecting the "With Cd-ROM support" option from your 9x Startup Floppy?

307848 - HOW TO: Start Setup from MS-DOS in Windows XP

What about the option to use FAT32 as your file system initially followed by using Convert exe to finish up with NTFS.

307881 - HOW TO: Convert a FAT16 or FAT32 Volume to NTFS in Windows XP

If you continue to receive this error message, copy the i386 folder from the CD-ROM drive to your local hard disk, and then try to run the Setup program from your hard disk.

You have to make the folders i386, ASMS, and several others with the MD command and then copy all the files into those folders with the copy command and using wildcards (*.*) .

See this thread for Dos copy alternatives such as Xcopy and Robocopy, you may have to locate and include these applications on your startup floppy (or a second floppy) as you will with SmartDrv (which you should load before doing any type of copying).

copying a directory tree using a dos bat file
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