One of my co-workers brought me their home computer with Win XP Home on it. They have a 40gig drive, and there is currently only 20 megs free. With every boot of the system, 2 gigs seems to go away. I was able to find that over 30 gigs of disk space is in a hidden system folder called System Volume Information. I believe this is the restore information maintained by Windows? At this point, I'm not sure if that folder is the one growing with every reboot, but I am sure this is a waste of data space. I went in to try and disable the system restore feature and it said it couldn't and suggested a reboot. I did so, but still can't seem to shut it off. Also, I noted the restriction settings and it shouldn't be allowing that much disk space usage anyway. So, now I'm wondering if I'm off track as to the source of these files. Can anyone tell me how to stop this consumption of disk space and get rid of the files?