Here at work, we have an NT4 server as the PDC, and a Unix machine running samba to share a proprietary accounting system. This morning, a problem popped up. The win98 machines and all XP machines but one can see the unix computer. This is a problem that I have encountered before(several months ago) and I'm not sure how I got it working. The PCs have the same network settings and everything. For the record, all the XP pc's use the same logon name/pw to get on. I can ping the unix pc from the non-working xp pc by ip and netbios name. This is the result of trying to browse to the unix machine (name Unix1)
Error message:
\\unix1 is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource... etc,etc
The specified network name is no longer available.
This means that it is a windows problem specific to this PC, but I don't know how to fix. Any help will be very appreciated.
Error message:
\\unix1 is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource... etc,etc
The specified network name is no longer available.
This means that it is a windows problem specific to this PC, but I don't know how to fix. Any help will be very appreciated.